Mr. Cross has kept one of the Ton , _promises. On
Friday he moved Resolutions providing that whenever a private Bill contained powers of eviction, extending to more than- fifteen houses occupied by labourers, the promoters must insert clauses binding them to procure accommodation for those evicted, and- to give two months' notice of eviction, which notice must-be certified by a Justice of the Peace. The &et pro- vision is, of course, in itself impracticable, not to say absurd, asthe Railways can no-more find lodgings for everybody than they can find work, but it- will compel the Companies to give tenants decent compensation for dispossession ; while the second is a real gain to the poor, who are often hurried out of their lodgings without time to move their furniture or find a new residence fer them- selves. The resolutions were accepted by the House without discussion, and have therefore become part of the Standing Orders.