Nonconformist Comprehension. [to The Editor. Of Toe...
your opinion expressed in the Spectator several times that there is more liberty of thought in Established than in " Free " Churches. As a Dissenter, I was loth to believe this,......
HECUBA BESEECHES AGAMEMNON TO AVENGE HER SON. [El - Jimmies, Hecuba, 774-833.] Now, for the cause for which I clasp thy knees, Listen, and if thou deemest that my wrongs Are......
Public Worship Regulation Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—.While the principle of this measure is still being hotly discussed, it is perhaps hopeless to expect attention to a detail of it, but I......
SUPERNATURAL RELIGION.* (SEOOND NOTICE.] WE have, in our first notice, given a description less elabo- rate than the subject deserves, though perhaps somewhat more lengthy than......