Public Worship Regulation Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—.While the principle of this measure is still being hotly discussed, it is perhaps hopeless to expect attention to a detail of it, but I......
The Coarre De Paris.
W E have not read the volumes that the Comte de Paris has published on the American Civil War ; but we have little doubt that their literary merits are more than respectable,......
" Livingstone In Africa."
go THE EDITOR OF THE '' SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Though my conscience does not permit me to allow that / have not given unity to my poem by making Livingstone, as the ideal modern......
Letters To The Editor.
THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF " WEL." [TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR'] Six,—Your article on "The Physiological View of Will ' " has fallen into my hands at this place. Into your......