Tuesday's Committee on the Public Worship Regulation Bill resulted in
giving an appeal to the Archbishop when, and only when, the 'Bishop exercises his discretion to stop litigation, in negativing Mr. Cowper-Temple's proposal that a meeting should be called to inform the Bishop of the feeling of the parish as to any customary or startling breaeh of the rubric ; in negativing also the exemption of College and Endowed School chapels, and the chapels of the Inns of Court, from the provisions of the' Bill ; and finally, in rejecting the proposal to make Bishops and .Archbishops liable to the provisions of the Bill. This last exemption was carried avowedly because the Members who pro- posed to subject the Bishops to the provisions of the Bill, were chiefly persons opposed to the Bill as a whole, and their motive, therefore, was presumed to be sinister. The Bishops themselves need not obey the law they are to impose on others.