1 AUGUST 1874, Page 3

Temple Bar, it would seem, is to come down at

last. The building has been sinking for some time, and on Friday it was perceived that the cope-stone of the arch ha& sunk till a great hole was visible, through which daylight couldbe seen. The City Architect has decided that the structure is unsafe, all wheeled traffic has been suspended, and foot-passengers sere only allowed

to pass under the southern archway. It is pi etty evident that the Bar must either be rebuilt or pulled down altogether, and as a rebuilt relic is not very valuable and the obstruction to traffic is great, it is probable that the desire to clear the Strand will prevail in the City councils. It is believed that the cause of the sinking is the excavation of the foundations for the New Law Courts, which has drained and, therefore, lowered the soil under the weighty Bar, which, had it happened to fall before the injury was perceived, might have crushed scores to death.