THE Conclave site for the first time to-day, and it is nearly certain that before our next issue the new Pope will have been elected. Nothing, however, has occurred to indicate on whom the choice will fall. The only sew name much in people's months is that of Cardinal Svampa, Archbishop of Bologna. He has never been outside Italy ; but he is said to be a man of excellent, or indeed saintly, character, of much ability, and of the opinions which in the eyes of Cardinals constitute safety. Outside opinion has rather swerved against Cardinal Gotti, mainly, it would appear, because he is a plebeian, but the Roman Church, to do it justice, is above considerations of pedigree; and if we were inclined to guess without the requisite materials for guessing, we should say that_the Pope announced urbi et orbi would be either Cardinal Svampa,, Cardinal Gotti, or a" dark horse." The Powers earnestly repudiate, as we believed they would, any intention of claiming their "Vetoes," and the Icing of Italy, who, though under the ban of the Church, has immense influence, remains perfectly silent. The old cere- monials will be carefully observed, and it is acknowledged on all hands that the election will be free beyond all precedent. We may note en passant a report which comes in from many quarters that Cardinal Gibbons, as the representative of both Americas—that is, of a body of Catholics superior in number to that included in any European State—has, though out of 'the running himself, unexpected influence with the remaining Cardinals. His may be the deciding voice after all.