The Important Debate On The Second Reading Of The Sugar
Convention Bill was opened on Tuesday by Mr. Gerald Balfour who said that the House of Commons in approving by its resolution of November 24th, 1902, "the policy embodied in the......
Allowing Always For The Inability Of Englishmen To Under-...
Irishmen completely, the King's visit to Ireland has been a continuous success. Perhaps the most striking-inci- dent in Dublin was a reception of poor children, who, to the......
Mr. Chamberlain In His Reply, After Offering The Cordial...
gratulations of "this side of the House" to Sir William Harcourt on his recovery from his recent illness, pointed out that only thirty millions of the new loan was not......
Mr. Balfour Answered That He Thought Before The...
would have an opportunity of discussing the question, but added :—" I do not admit that every parliament has to discuss the programme which is to be laid before its successor,......
Accounts Have Reached London Of Another Massacre Of...
Persia, the tenth or twelfth within the writer's recollection. This time " it is the mob of Yezd which has broken out and killed every BIM accessible without dis- tinction of......
The Hungarian Chamber Has Been Shaken By An Unprece- Dented
scandal. Some one has been stupid enough to try to bribe Dr. Papp, a leader of the Obstructionists, offering him £420 to stay away from the House for twelve days. There seems to......
The Three-cornered Election At Barnard Castle, Durham,...
return of the Labour candidate, Mr. A. Henderson. He received 3,370 votes, while Colonel Vane, the Unionist, obtained 3,323, and Mr. Beaumont, the Liberal, only 2,809, against......
The Debate On The Second Reading Of The South African
Loan and War Contribution Bill on Monday involved the very important question of imported labour in South Africa. Sir William Harcourt, after an elaborate analysis of the claims......
On Tuesday. Night Mr. Balfour Moved The Suspension Of The
12 o'clock rule for the purpose of passing certain Government. Bills, including the Sugar Convention Bill; the Employment of Children Bill ; that dealing with the Port of London......