The Important Debate On The Second Reading Of The Sugar
Convention Bill was opened on Tuesday by Mr. Gerald Balfour who said that the House of Commons in approving by its resolution of November 24th, 1902, "the policy embodied in the......
Mr. Asquith On Wednesday At The St. James's Hall Deall
with the question of preferential tariffs in a brilliant sound, and remarkable speech. He pointed out that Free-traders generally welcomed an inquiry into . changed conditions,......
The Debate Was Resumed On Wednesday. Mr. Winston...
that the Bill was "an insidious attack on the principle of Free-trade. It was part of a general scheme for raising the cost of articles of consumption in the supposed interest......
The Second Reading In The House Of Lords Of The
London Education Bill was moved on Tuesday by Lord Londonderry, the President of the Board of Education, and carried by 69 votes to 26. The Archbishop of Canterbury in a......
The Australian Dislike Of Coloured Workmen Goes Very Far....
recently refused to allow any steamers belonging to companies under contract to be worked by lascars. Mr. Chamberlain thereupon informed the Government of the Commonwealth that......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday, While The Colonial
Office vote was under discussion, Mr. Chamberlain again dealt with Colonial affairs. After asserting Canada's willingness to go still further in the direction of tariff......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Mat Consols (2* Per Cent.) Were
on Friday 91f.......