A List of Eton College in 1771. By R. A.
Austen-Leigh, MA. (The College Press, Eton. is. 6d. net.)—Mr. Austen-Leigh has put together in this pamphlet a number of interesting fade con- cerning Eton and Etonians. These have come from a bookseller's old day-book and from various other sources. First comes a list of the Provost, Vice-Provost, Fellows, and Masters ; then a catalogue of Collegers and Oppidans. There are 327 names of boys and 10 of masters. The schdel was then on the down grade. In 1765 it had numbered 522; two years afterwards it fell to 230. This was the work of the Head-master, Foster, who had succeeded the highly popular Barnard (then Provost). The noblemen and noblemen's sons number 26, "Lord Wellesley" being one of them. Mr. Austen-Leigh gives us also schemes of schoolwork from Rugby and Harrow, both presided over by Etonians He supplies two maps of Eton (1742 and 1902), pedigrees of Eton families (Hawtrey, Thackeray, and others), and two Eton bills. Master Southcote cost his guardian .219 11s. 6d. for "Board, Schooling, and Extraordinaries" for the half-year ending Christmas, 1762; but was more expensive afterwards. There are discrepancies in the second account. It is entitled "for half-year's Board, &c.," but the first item is "Board with Single Bed for Quarter."