Consols have this week maintained the steadiness which has so long been a remarkable feature in the Money Market, and up to yesterday morning had scarcely varied front the opening price of Monday, viz. 833 ; a decline then took place to 82,1, but the Market rallied before the close of business to 82,z; for Money, 8:3i for the January Account. The Market opened this morning at
for Account, but has since improved to 833 *, at which price it closes. The settlement of the November Account, which took place on 'Wednesday, passed off without any occurrence worthy of remark. The continuation or premium paid for holding Stock till the 25th of January, the day fixed for-the next settle- ment, was per cent., which does not afford an interest on the money employed of more than lb per cent. : hence it may be inferred, that the abundance of
money, which we have had occasion so repeatedly to notice, has not in any de- gree diminished. Exchequer Bills have fluctuated between 29s. and 23s. prem. ; the price to-day being 27s. 29s. prem. Reduced 3 per Cents. have been 82j and 82, and close 84. New 011 per Cents. have been 91i and 903, closing at the latter price. India Stock has been at 202 and 201: the price of yesterday
(the last quotation) was 202.
In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has been the great object of attraction ; and the large investments still made have supported the Market against the con- tinued importation : the highest price of the week has been 41, and yesterday afternoon the Stock was as low as 406. The price has improved to-day ; and several purchases were effected just previous to the close of business at 40k, which may be considered the closing price. Spanish Stork has been at 164,
and closes this afternoon at 161 Portuguese Bonds have been 4711 and 481,
and close at 4811. Regency Scrip has been 4i dis. ; since at 4 ; and has again receded to and closes at 4 and 4 dis. The settlement of the Foreign Account took place yesterday; and the necessity thence imposed on some of the minor speculators to close their accounts from the indisposition of capitalists to advance
money on Foreign Stocks, may in some measure account for the decline of some of those securities. In all other descriptions of Stock, the fluctuations have not been important enough to require notice : they have almost all shared in some degree in the fall of the English Funds, and, like them, have nearly regained their old quotations.
Consols opened this morning at 83A I-, but soon rose to sai g, at which price they have remained ever since. The transactions in all descriptions of Stock have been quite unimportant. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has im-
proved, and is 40,3 Portuguese Regency Scrip is lower, owing, it is stated, to the arrival of some unpleasant news from Op: ere, but the nature of the in-
telligence has not transpired. It will be seen by the list, that all ether sorts of Stock are at yesterday's prices.
3 per Cent. Consols .. 03/ Ditto for Account... 831 .1 New 31 p. Cent. Ann.901 11 Bank stock - - India Stock - - - Exchequer Bills 2G 28 Belgian 5 p. Cts. 71 1- Brzilian 5 per Cts. 461 7 Danish 3 per Cents. 67 k Dutch 21 per Cents. 401 / French 3 per Cents. - - Greek (1525)5 p.Cts.25 26
Mexican G p. Cents. 26 27 Portuguese dp. Cts. 471 48 Do. Revue:. Sc. 5p.C. 41 41 Prus-sia n(15 5)5 p.C. - - Russian( 1520 5 p.C. 97 Spanish(1021) 5 p.Ct. 161 1