Pledging Candidates.
LORD HENLEY, after expressing his horror of pledges, gives two very distinct pledges,—promising, 1st, to vote for the prompt abolition of Slavery ; 2d, to vote against......
Mr. Byng.
MR; HUME'S return for Middlesex being secured, it becomes the duty of the electors to look out for a suitable colleague to him. We believe the determination of the Whigs to be......
Sir John Honisouse Has Declared, That If Any Circumstance...
arise to induce him to change those principles on which he has hitherto acted, he will resign his seat, as Sir ROBERT PEEL did his seat for Oxford, on changing his opinion on......
Colonel Evans Says, In His Letter To Sir Francis Burdett,
that as far as lie can learn, Westminster has not been " in a satisfactory state either to itself or the country for some time past." On this the Committee of Sir JOHN Honsiouse......