Up to two o'clock this afternoon, no further accounts had been re- ceived either at the French or Belgian Embassy from Antwerp. The non-arrival of news has excited much......
The Obserrer Is Quite Indignant At The Vulgar Prejudice, Th
the same punishment for the same offence should be inflicted c the poor and the rich ; and blames Miss FINDLAY, Mr. DowNE , and Mrs. JonNsoN, for not perceiving the propriety of......
A Royal Message Of The 23d Submits To The Dutch
Second Chamber a projel dc lui for calling out the Landsturm. It is, we believe, understood that the dissolution of Parliament will be gazetted on Monday, on which day the writs......
The Belgic! Ministry Remains Dissolved In Effect, Though...
nations arc understood not to be yet accepted. The King is said to find great difficulty in his attempts to form a new Cabinet ; several members of the Chamber have been applied......
Cobbett's Register Of This Morning Presents The Following...
SIR FRAN,IS BURDETT IN 1532. " It is to me a source of deep regret that friends should now be dividing and separa ing, as I can understand, on no public principle, on no ground......
The Calculations Of The Radical Party, When They Join With
t' Tories, are not so devoid of reason as the gentlemen who exela. against the unnatural conjunction, as they call it, would insilne , It seems plain, that if the Tories ever......
Table Showing Tiie Numbers And Distribution Of T
FRENCH TROOPS, Exclusive of Oencral and Stirff Officers, Gendarmerie, National Guards, and Inralic [From Dr. BOWRING'S Third Report on the Public Accounts.] Sub-Officers, Corpo......
East India Shipping.
Arrived-At Deal, Nov. 29th, Stakeshy, Johnson, from floral:ay. Off Liverpool, ditto, Huron, Hardy, from ditto. At St. Helena, Arab, Scott, from Pengal; Enchantress, Canny, from......
The Latest Accounts From Brussels ( Thursday Afternoon),...
we are indebted to the activity of the Times, state, that up to that hour no assault nor any demand of surrender had been made. The French are said to have traced two batteries......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING. Consols have this week maintained the steadiness which has so long been a remarkable feature in the Money Market, and up to yesterday morning had......