There was a ball on Wednesday at Guildhall, under the
auspices of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, for the support of the City of London Corporation School; the object of which useful institution is the maintaining, educating, and apprenticing the children of poor free. men and housekeepers of the City of London. The ball on this occa- sion was lighted up and decorated in precisely the same style as when the last inauguration of the Chief. Magistrate was given in it. About nine o'clock the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress entered the hall, when the amusements of the evening immediately commenced. The company was highly respectable, and very numerous.
The annual meeting of the Scottish Hospital took place yesterday. The Lord Mayor presided. Wilkie was present, and his health was drunk as was meet.
The colonnades, galleries, shops, &c. in Hungerford Fish-market, are finished, and it will take only a few weeks to fit them for occupation. The great hall is completed, with the exception of a small portion, and the upper area is in great progress; a very capacious well has been sunk, and a steam-engine erected for the supply of water, which will be distributed throughout the whole of the market, and also all the houses belonging to the Company ; the wharf has been paved, and a crane erected. In this state of things, the market might have been opened partially, but that the Directors thought it desirable that the Whole market should be opened at once, when the extent of the very superior accomModation it will afford can be shown to the public.— -IV-crab/9 Advertiser.
The Old Bailey Sessions, which commenced on Thursday, have presented nothing of the slightest interest. Fisher, the boy by whose cabriolet Lady Caroline Barham was killed, was tried yesterday, and acquitted.
The following is a statement of the various offences for trial at these Sessions.
Highway Robbery 4 Housebreaking 4
Burglary 6 Stealing above the value of 51 Horsestealing Manslaughter Embezzlement Stealing from the person Receiving stolen goods 9 Larcenies 196 Total 264
Prisoners under sentence of death Transportation for life
14 years 7 ditto
Males. Females.
14 2 3 14 1 14 9 54 imprisoned for various periods judgment respited
for trial at Old Bailey Sessions 210 54 .... Admiralty ditto 3
remanded 3 1 acquitted on the ground of insanity 3 0 respited during Royal pleasure 3
264 151
murder on the high seas, and one of piracy. Channer, the man accused which Channer was carpenter. On the 9th of April last, while the and the captain going down, Channer struck him repeatedly on the legs of murder, had, it appeared, been treated with great harshness by one hundred and fifty miles from Madeira, Channer being below, and thighs with an adze. The wound on the thigh fractured the bone. Matilda was on her passage from Liverpool to St. Domingo, and about Thomas Eaves, captain of the Matilda, Liverpool trader; on board of The captain was seized with delirium soon after ; he died on the 15th. The prisoner pleaded, in extenuation, the treatment he had received. The Admiralty Sessions opened on Tuesday. There was a case of
The Captain was always using opprobious epithets. He frequently struck him, knocked him down, and jumped upon him ; and upon one occasion had kicked him dangerously. He (the prisoner) was also severely overworked ; and after being on watch eight hours, was set to his carpenter's work. The treatment he had received caused him to be ill ever since. On the 9th of April, he saw the Captain coming down the scuttle-stairs with a cutlass. His blood boiled within him, recollecting the injuries he had received. He did not know what he was about ; and seizing the first thing at hand, he struck the Captain on the foot and thigh.
The Jury found him guilty, but recommended him to mercy. It seems, probable that he will escape on a point of law. Mr. Adolphus stated that there was a Quaker on the Jury, who did not take the usual oath. This left only eleven legal jurors on the pannel. The man has been respited until the 29th January, to allow this point to be argued.
The piracy case was that of the Jane brig, which took place in De- cember 1831. Jose Elias, a Portuguese sailor, about twenty years of age, was tried on Tuesday. The particulars of the mutiny were de- tailed by one of the sailors, and by an approver— Patrick Ring, the seaman, stated that he was on board the Jane when she left Monte Video in October 1831, for the Havannah. Mr. M'Nulty the master ; Michael Murphy first mate; Orlidge second mate; Frew carpenter ; Wade cook: there were besides a Frenchman, Charles; Antonio, a Spaniard ; four others, and a passenger named Hartmann.' On the evening of the 5th of December the ship was about a hundred leagues from the main. Charles, Jose, and others, were on the watch that night, when Ring was relieved, and went below. He was not called to his second watch, but, hearing a noise, went up the scuttle to the deck, followed by Wade. A gun or pistol was fired, and Frew received the ball. Frew cried out "Pirates!" Jose was then at the wheel, and Charles at the companion. Ring ran aft, and then up the rigging, and remained in the main-topsails about ten minutes. Heard Frew cry out "Antonio, Antonio! " Charles seized Ring and said, "The Captain and officers we have thrown overboard." Ring then ran to the fore- castle, and hid himself till daylight. While he was with Wade, Charles called out to them to come down, or he would shoot them. The mutineers then ordered Ring to go into the master's cabin and get some spirits; the cabin was covered with blood. Richter was in the cabin bed, with a cut on his side ; and Murphy, the mate, was in a bed opposite, terribly cut in the face. Murphy implored witness to give him some water. Richter desired witness to go on deck, which ha did, as Richter threatened him. Antonio and Jack the Frenchman then broke the bull's-eye glass light over The cabin where Murphy was lying wounded, and fired through it at him. The foreigners threw over- board the ship's instruments, water-casks, and sails. Land was not seen till the 7th of December, about fifty miles distant, and turned out to be that between Bahia and Pernambuco. The mutineers then lashed the tiller half a-starboard, broke up the bulwarks, lowered the sails, and then made the launch-boat ready. They then ran the vessel bump ashore, the wind blowing hard at the time. They made the best of their way to shore in the launch. They had previously
collected various articles on the deck, which they did not take in the launch. proceeding to shore, witness jumped overboard, and the When the launch was When the of to shore Rin ran awa and remained on praes tooy g, g y, i t k him in. h the beach all night. He was afterwards with them six or seven days, and then ran away, and made the best of his way to Bahia, and informed the Consul of the whole affair ; in consequence of which Richter, and Jose were taken into custody in three or four days, and they were thought to England.
Frew, who had been wounded in the face and afterwards confined in the forecastle with Wade, gave nearly the same testimony. He men- tioned the fact of Mr. Hartmann, the passen"er, having been washed overboard after the vessel was run ashore. From the testimony of Richter, the approver, it appeared that throughout the mutiny Jose was considered as under the influence of Charles, Antonio, and Jack. The Captain and the two mates were the only persons killed by the muti- neers. The prisoner was acquitted.
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