The news of the war is this week of less
importance. Nothing has been accomplished in Asia, where General Loris Melikoff is awaiting before Erzeroum the arrival of his reinforcements from Kars ; but it is mentioned by a correspondent within the city that one of the Russian positions completely commands Erzeroum, though at a distance of 2,400 yards. In Europe, however, the Roumanians have carried Rahova, and the Russians have taken Provitz and Etropol, the latter a most important position. Its possession gives the captors entrance to another pass across the Balkans, and enables them to strike with effect at any Turkish force marching from Sofia to Plevna. The rumours about Osman Pasha's position continue contradictory, but as no convoys reach him, it is certain that his provisions must be getting low, and the probability is, from the state- ments of deserters, that while he still has meat, his supply of bread is running out. So was that of the Russians, owing to difficulties in crossing the Danube, but they have succeeded in completing two new bridges at Sistova.