The Handy English 4vord - Book. By The Rev. J. Stormonth....
Edinburgh.)—How we are to spell, divide our words by syllables, compare our adjectives, punctuate our sentences, use long and out of- the-way words with some approach to......
As Been A Favourite Subject For Legend From Early Christian
times. In an admirable introduction, Dr. Wagner, whose capabilities for work of this kind have already boon amply shown in his edition of Marlowe's " Edward traces the growth of......
Lve Out Of Death : A Romance. 8 Vols. (s.
Tinsloy.)—Titis is a very unequal performance, and is, partly on that account, a difficult one to review. We find unquestionably elements of dramatic power in some of the scenes......
Spoiled By A Woman. By A. C. Sampson. 8 Vole.
(Tinsley Brothers.) —The readers of this novel will find themselves the unwilling victims of an unique experiment. It is a common trick of novelists to engage our interest in......
British Seamen, As Described In Recent Parliamentary And...
By Thomas Brassey, M.P. (Long:mans, Green, and Co.)— Mr. Brassey is indefatigable. Surely ho is the model of the modern UP. of the period, who, not content with travelling round......
We Have Received A Number Of Christmas And New Varts
Cards from Messrs. de la Rue and Co., among which we may especially mention those descriptive of fairy-life, which will bo a source of amusement to others besides the children.......
De La Rue's Very Handsome Pocket - Books, Diaries,...
for 1878, have reached us as usual, and as usual, are carefully prepared, and the pocket books very neatly and richly bound ; indeed, it may be said of the ladies' pocket-books,......