Lve Out Of Death : A Romance. 8 Vols. (s.
Tinsloy.)—Titis is a very unequal performance, and is, partly on that account, a difficult one to review. We find unquestionably elements of dramatic power in some of the scenes......
Current • Literature.
The Wreck of' the Grosvenor.' (Sampson Low and Co.)—We do not undertake to answer for the accuracy of the nautical details of this extraordinarily interesting story, our own......
Proud Maisie. By Bertha Thomas. (sampson Low And Co.)—a....
lady who, in pursuit of an escaped bullfinch, clambers over the , leads of half a street of London houses, and finds herself confronting another young lady, who is a vision of......
A Pocket Of Pebbles. By William Philpot. (macmillan.)—in...
the modest title, claiming no special brilliancy or value, which Mr. Philpot gives to his apophthegms, reflections, and moralisings, his book is one which excites expectations......
Margaret Chetwynd. By Susan Morley, Author Of "aileen...
S. King and Co.) — It does not do to skim this novel, which is equivalent to saying that it is something different from the mass of contemporary fiction. The author writes well......
Gabriel's Appointment. By Anna M. Drury. (bentley.)—mise...
in this novel a readable but somewhat puzzling book. She has made hor plot unisecessarilY and indeed wearisomely compli- cated, so that its ramifications are difficult to follow......
A Thing Of Beauty. By Mrs. Alexander Fraser. 8 Vols.
(Hurst and Blacket+.)—One cannot help asking in some wonderment, after reading a novel of this kind, whether the people whom Mrs. Fraser depicts are such as she has ever mot......
Recollections Of Richard Cobden, M. P., And The Anti -...
League. By Henry Ashworth. (Cassell and Co.)—During a recent illness, Mr. Ashworth, member of a well-known Lancashire family, engaged in manufactures, conceived, as he tells us,......
The Country Of Balochistan : Its Geography, Topography,...
History. By A. W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. (George Bell and Sons,)-- The author of this exhaustive and well-written volume modestly de- scribes it as a compilation rather than an......