1 DECEMBER 1939, Page 22


Sta,—May I point out that "Field-Marshal Goering's Swedish wife," to whom " Janus " refers in last week's Spectator, died in 1931? She was Karin von Fock, of Stockholm, and " Karinhall," the Field-Marshal's country residence on the Schorfheide, is named after her. The present Frau Goering was well known to the public as Emmy Sonnemann, the stage actress. She married Goering in April, 1935.—Yours faith-

fully, S. G. GODMAN. 83 St. Michael's Hill, Bristol, 2.

[Janus writes: "Peccavi—badly. My main point—that Field-Marshal Goering's Swedish brother-in-law is anti-Nazi- stands. But the connexion with the baby alleged to have been born at Lausanne falls to the ground."]