1 DECEMBER 1939, page 14

I Have For Long Believed In Some Form Of European

federa- tion. The very first article which I contributed to this weekly was in praise of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi's scheme of Pan-Europa. I could scarcely endure the prospect of......

More Interesting Than The Stolid Acquiescence Of The...

the minority moods which flicker like fire-flies above a marsh. There was some evidence, of course, of a Communist alignment expressing itself, on one occasion, in a question......

Such, I Found, Was The General Response I Met With,

whether from a Regius Professor or from a young clerk in the Army Pay Department. It represents, I should suppose, some 70 per cent. of the opinion in the country in this winter......

* * * * Others, Again, Asked Me Whether I

did not agree that all this talk about freedom and democracy was mere eye-wash, and that what we were really fighting for was the mainten- ance of the old balance of power. This......

Finally I Noticed Some Hang-over From Nineteenth-century...

been so ably exposed by Professor E. H. Carr in his recent study of British Foreign Policy. There are many admirable people who still fail to realise that in this twentieth......

People And Things

By HAROLD NICOLSON I SPENT most of last week delivering lectures and making .1 speeches. My audiences were numerous and varied. They included university professors,......

There Was Some Slight Evidence Also That German...

our past record and present intentions had produced some effect. What right had we, I was asked, who had conquered half the world by violence, to take so high a moral tone when......