1 DECEMBER 1939, page 3

Social Welfare Of The Troops

It is a tradition in the British Army that it is one of the first duties of officers to look after the welfare of their men; and though this may be restricted to the duty of......

Births, Deaths And Population

In his annual report the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health affirms his belief that whatever we may think about civilised progress in other directions there can be......

Mr. Keynes Replies

Mr. J. M. Keynes, replying in The Times to the critics of his compulsory savings scheme, re-states his case in convinc- ing terms. He admits that the need for compulsory saving......

Two Notable Broadcasts

Those who listened to the broadcasts last Sunday and Monday, the one by the Prime Minister, the other by Mr. Herbert Morrison, must have been struck by the fact that there was......

D .0 .r.a. Refurbished

The amendment of the Defence Regulations after con- sultation with representatives of all political parties is a reward for the vigilance of Members of Parliament, and is......

Compulsory And Voluntary Rationing

Rationing for bacon and butter will be introduced on January 8th. Sugar will not be rationed, but consumers are asked to register with a retailer and to restrict their pur-......