Trinity College, Cambridge, is beginning to consider the question of
its next Master, for Dr. Trevelyan, who accepted the five-years extension pressed on him by general acclaim when he reached the normal retiring age of 70 in 1946, retires definitely at the end of the present academic year. For over thirty years, since the appointment of J. J. Thomson in 1918, the Master of Trinity has been an O.M. There is one member of that distinguished Order available today in Professor E. D. Adrian, and if a scientist is to follow a humanist (as when J. J. Thomson succeeded H. M. Butler) Professor Sir Lawrence Bragg will certainly come under consideration too. So, no doubt, will others ; academic distinction is by no means the only quality requisite in the Head of a House. What is certain is that Trinity will have no difficulty in providing itself with a Master of
the calibre even of Thomson and Trevelyan.
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