1 DECEMBER 1950, page 26
Penal Vade-mecum
Lag's Lexicon. By Paul Tempest. (Routledge and Kegan Paul. los. 6d.) THE aim of this neatly-produced book is well conveyed in the sub-title: " A Comprehensive Dictionary and......
A Born Outcast ?
The Goose Cathedral. By Jocelyn Brooke. (Bodley Head. 9s. 6d.) THOSE who have read the two previous volumes of Mr. Brooke's semi-autobiographical trilogy will know what to......
The Hour Before Twilight
Inward Companion and Other Poems. By Walter de Ia M are . (Faber. 8s. 6d.) THERE are poets whom it is easier to discuss than Walter de la Mare, becauSe they create philosophies......