1 DECEMBER 1950, page 18
, 4 Seeds Of Treason" Sir,—in Your Issue Of November 24th,
Mr. Max Beloff makes a virulent attack on my firm's publication-, Seeds of Treason (The Strange Case of Alger Hiss), which he calls a " malodorous book." Since the authors, who......
, 4 The Christian Superstition " Sir,—" Of The Two Great
superstitions of the western world—Chfistianity and Marxism- - Christianity has, of course, had a much longer , period in which to sterilise fine intelligences and divert the......
A Russian Good Chap "
SIR,--This may ,e an appropriate time to recount a true story. Early in 1946 1 was a guest at a farewell dinner-party given by an Officers' mess in the British. Zone of Germany,......