As a means towards the further development of American foreign trade, a Bill at present before the Senate proposes establishment, at all ports of entry in the United States, of "foreign trade zones" into which materials could be imported free of duty and prepared for re-export to foreign markets without undergoing the usual customs inspection. The establishment of " foreign trade zones," in which firms engaged in re-exporting would be permitted to build ware- houses and other premises where materials could be sorted, packaged, assembled and so on, but not actually manufactured, for foreign markets, has been urged for years by various trade organizations, including the United States Chamber of Com- merce. The scheme now has the support of the United States Shipping Board, which sees in it a means to assist American shipping, and is also endorsed by United States Army En- gineers, who have prepared a report upon it. The present Bill has substantial support in Congress, and may be enacted during the present session.