1 FEBRUARY 1930, page 1

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 99 Gower Street,...

1.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. 2'he SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on......

There Had Been Ugly Rumours Of Military' Juntas, And In The

end, General Primo de Rivera committed PalitiCAL hara-kiri by stating his intention of defening to the wishes of the seventeen . highest officera of the ArMy and Navy. This -......

The End Of The Spanish Dictatorship ;. • ' On

Tuesday, the Prime Minister of Spain, General Primo de Rivera, resigned, together with his Cabinet whiCh had already - lost its Finance Minister, Senor Calvo Sotelo, whose......

It Seems To Us That As A • Cautious Procedure

which makes -sure of -every bit of ground the British proposal is the best: It provides for the capture of several fixed positions from which it would be possible, as it were,......

When Sp Write No Agenda Has Been Definitely Decided Upon,

but there are three different proposals for an approach to limitation and reduction. First, there is the British' proposal. that 'ships should be dealt with by categories and......

News Of The Week

The NaVal Conference rpm visible tendency to be impatient with what is 1 thought to be the slowness of the Naval Conference in getting to work was perhaps inevitable.......

[signed Articles Do Not Necessarily Represent The Views...