The Theatre
[" THE MAN IN POSSESSION." BY H. M. HARWOOD. AT THE AMBASSADORS THEATRE.] Tee Dabneys in this very amusing play were a middle- class family whom we meet at breakfast in their "......
St. Bride Of The Kindly Flame
F EBRUARY is the month of St. Bride of the Kindly Flame, St. Bride the gentle mother of all young and tender things. Through the mists of centuries we see her gracious figure,......
[DOLMETSCU—MUSICL&N AND CRAFTSMAN.] ARNOLD DOLMETSCH is one of the most remarkable of living pioneers. Throughout his career he has balanced idealism with a practical outlook.......
Capital Punishment
Essay Competition Tim Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider the question of Capital Punishment held its first public session on Wednesday, 29th January.......