The International Drug Traffic The League of Nations Opium Commission:whkh
has been sitting for some days at Geneva, has been the scene of extraordinary disclosures. Russell Pasha, of the Egyptian Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, has been able during the past year to trace some of the channels by which drugs have been passed into circulation and even to discover their source in the factory. The result has been a great strengthening of the British contention that the only effective means of dealing with this evil is the limitation of manufacture. Hardly less important is the fact that the Swiss and French authorities are both seeking powers to deal more effectively with offenders, the former having to solve the always difficult problem of the relations between Federal and Cantonal authorities. The extent of the traffic may be gauged by the fact that in. Egypt the number of drug addicts is estimated at 500,000 out of a population of 14,000,000. Russell Pasha has awakened public opinion to some purpose, and he is to be heartily congratulated on his untiring industry and ingenuity as a detective.