A Library List
REFERENCE Booss :-Chapters in the History of Book-keeping and Accountancy: By David Murray. (Jackson, Wylie and Co., 78 West George Street, Glasgow. 21s.)-The South and ,East African Year Book and Guide for 1980. (Sampson Low. 2s. 6d.)---Detrrett's House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 1980. (Dean. 20s.)-British Industries Fair, Birmingham, 1930. • (Chamber of Com- merce, 95 New Street,- Birminghani. 1s.)-----British Industries Fair, Olympia, London, 1930. (Department of Overseas Trade, 85 Old Queen Street, S.W. 1. ls.)-The British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1980. (Henry Greenwood and Co., 24 Wellington Street, W.C. 2. 2s.) -The Traveller's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan.
By Roy Elston. (Simpkin Marshall. 20s.) Whitaker's Cumulative Book List 1929. (Whitaker. 15s.) MISCELIANEOUS :-Savage Gentlemen. By M. C. Cole. (Harrap. 10s. 8d.)-King's Pleasure. By I. Zeitlin. (Harpers. 15s.)-The Private Citizen in Public Social Work. By Hilda Jennings. (Allen and Unwin. 6s.)-Synopsis Bibliography of the Writings of Sir James Mackenzie. Edited by W. B. R. Monteith. (Oxford University Press. 4s.)-A Dog and His Friends. By W. A. Ramsay. (Arrowsmith. 5s.)-The Book of Antiques. Edited by W. L. Hanchant. (Arts and Crafts Publishing Co., 84 Bloomsbury Street, W.C. 1. 15s.)-Degenerate Oxford ? By T. Greenidge. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.)- Europe in Zigzags. By Sisley Huddleston. (Harrap. 21s.)-The Odyssey of an Orchid Hunter. By F. D. Burdett. (Jenkins. 18s.)
Hisrroasr AND BIOGRAPHY :-The Open Door and the Mandates System. By B. Gerig. (Allen and Unwin.
Possession, Demoniacal and Other. By T. K. Oesterreich. (Kegan Paul. 21s.)-Annals of a Chequered Life. By A. M. Brookfield. (Murray. 15s.)-The Revolutionaries, 1789-1799. By Louis Madelin. (Arrowsmith. 18s.)- The Passing of the Cardinal. By Touchard-Lafosse. (John Hamilton. 12s. 6d.)-Samuel Johnson, President of King's College : His Career and Writings. Edited by H. and C. Schneider. Vols I-IV. (Oxford University Press. £7 7s. the set.)
FICTION :-Humorous Stories. By 'Barry Pain. (Werner Laurie. 8s. 6d.)-Love Town. By Riccardo Dacchelli. Translated by Orlo Williams. (Duckworth. 7s. 6d.) ' Southern Baroque Art. By Sacheverell Sitsiell. • Pretty Creatures. By W. Gerhardi. New Readers' Librarx., (Duckworth. 3s. 6d. each.)-Genesta. By Aceituna Griffin. (Murray. 78. 6d.)-Diana. By Emil Ludwig Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. - (Allen and Unwin. 8s. 6d.)-No Man's Land. By Vernon Bartlett. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)