1 FEBRUARY 1930, Page 32

Little, is known of the Roman Catholic body in Scotland

after the Reformation had been completed. In his valuable edition of The ..Blairs Papers (1603-1660), (Sands, 15s.) Mr;

M. V. Hay now thrOws some light on this obscure subject. Blairs College possesses what is left of the archives of the ancient Scots College at Paris which was pillaged at the Revo- lution, and Mr. Hay has begun to publish the more important items of the later correspondence about Scottish' Church matters. Both Jesuits and Seculars found their mission work hard and perilous under the stern Presbyterian rule. They often had to give dispensations to Roman Catholics who felt it necessary to attend at the Kirk rather than face persecution and pay heavy fines. The few noble families that remained faithful to the old religion were not, as a rule, molested' and could give shelter to the priests. The letters are sad reading. Much has been heard of the sufferings of the Covenanters ; but they were as intolerant as their oppressors. * -* *