1 FEBRUARY 1957, Page 16


SIR,—Surely Mr. Betjeman's game of place names can be played in reverse?

I, for one, am well acquainted with the charming village of Compton Burnett (Dorset) and its neigh- bour, Hodgson Burnett; nor should the visitor over- look Malcolm Muggeridge, famous for its annual folk-dancing festival (not to be confused with Nether Muggeridge), Cowper Powys (Merioneth) and Mor- gan Forster (Mon) are both well worth a visit; so is Townsend Warner (Bucks), noted for its ancient ducking-stool. Mr. Betjeman would, I am sure, appreciate the art nouveau bar at Sackville West (the East station has no buffet); and connoisseurs may derive a similar frisson from Graham Greene, that seedy and shabby-genteel suburb between Waltham- stow and Brentwood.- -Yours faithfully,