Set By Allan M. Laing
In Dr. Archibald Henderson's ininiense new biography of Bernard Shaw, recently pdblished in the United States, occurs this extract from a letter by CBS: 'Yesterday, at......
Clematis which bloom on new wood flower, in the main, from July to September, and these should be cut back on old flowered shoots to within six inches of the ground. Lar g......
Precious Rain
Somehow the collection of rainwater trom the roof is considered old-fashioned. Civil en g ineers and the like only think in terms of catchment areas in remote situations A......
BY PHILIDOR No. 87 H. W. BETTMANN BLACK (5 men, WHITE to play and mate in two moves. solution next week. Solution to Iasi week's problem by Larsen R- B 8, no threat. I B-Kt 4; 2......
Country Lite
BY IAN NIALL SHEPHERDING, which is amon g the oldest railin g s in the world, has always had its own s ort of drama. Guardin g the flock from the beast is an old Biblical......
Tim Sad River Ours Is Not An Early Salmon River,
like some in the far north. Salmon are not cau g ht until well into sprin g and those in the river now are sickly fish fallin g back to the sea to return again only if they......