1 FEBRUARY 1957, page 25


My Life and Crimes. By Reginald Reynolds. (Jarrolds, 18s.) AT the age of six, the author heard his parents discussing Original Sin. Under the impression that this was Reginald's......

The Cathedral

Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice. So ends the short, proud, Latin epitaph the younger Wren had inscribed on his father's tomb in St. Paul's. But while circumspection......

New Novels

The Fountain Overflows. By Rebecca West. (Macmillan, 16s.) This Side of Holmin's Hill. By Frank Freedman. (Seeker and Warburg, 12s. 6d.) Kampong. By Ronald Hardy. (Muller, 13s.......

Lot's Wife

WITH Jordan and Israel in uneasy peace, silence still reigns over the wilderness of Judaea, and a visitor to Qumran and the caves of the Dead Sea finds nothing but solitude and......

Spectator Crossword No. 925

ACROSS 1 Iced escallop in trifles (12). 9 It's funny, but those who indulge in it aren't peevish (5-4). 10 1 halt for the big stick (5). 11 not to make reply' (Tennyson) (6). 12......