ACROSS 1 Iced escallop in trifles (12).
9 It's funny, but those who indulge in it aren't peevish (5-4).
10 1 halt for the big stick (5).
11 not to make reply' (Tennyson) (6).
12 Mistress Edith on the bend (4-4).
13 Agrees, so discovers bores (6).
15 Pie's sliced before confused glee; how roguish! (8)
18 A bit of Rome in Lancashire (8).
19 Fish on ice (6).
21 'As does eternity: cold —1' (Keats) (8) 23 Wycherley's was just plain (6).
26 Mineral announcement from the mountains (5).
27 A fruitful winner (9).
28 Specify beforehand repeated gins (12). DOWN 1 A flower for Ethelberta's young sister (7).
2 Ten pounds possibly—of garlic? It's a hundred to nothing (5).
3 Donkey's wanted at once on the beach (9).
4 '— indeed is gone with all its Rose' (Ornal Khayyam) (4).
5 Moreover, I am pleased with Solon (8).
6 A girl among the Greeks; she is four-fifth: French (5).
7 The tip of the furrow (7).
8 Spenser gets threeover theeight and is upright 1(10
14 The girl's got her shoes on all wrong (8). 16 Suitable though not quite for running a pub (2, 7).
17 Under canvas (8).
18 Dad's got foot trouble; try a maize treatment (7).
20 'Why, as a woodcock to my own —, Osric' (Shakespeare) (7).
22 Heaven's first law, according to Pope (5).
24 A mail unsorted is bewitched (5).
25 Lightships by the sound of them (4)
two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Cnambers's twentieth Century Dictionan and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solution opened after noon on February 12 and addressed: Crossword No. 925. 99 Gower St., London, WCI
Chamhers's Twentieth Century Dictionary. New Version, is recommended for Crosmord. Solution on February 15 Solution to No. 923 on page 159 The winners of Crossword No. 923 are: Ms. M. T. M. CROWLEY, Balfour House, Kincardineshireand Miss C. M. BOWEN IS Cumberland Road Kew. Surrey