1 JANUARY 1831, Page 19


Our notices on Ireland are more meagre than we expected. A gentleman well versed in its local poli- tics, andpledged to supply us very largely with infortna. tion on that branch of our subject, has not yet trans- mitted his contribution. We learn from other quar- ters that the influences which have long existed in Ireland are now changing, and in many instances have passed away. The disfranchisement of the smaller, freeholders—the mobs who voted for their masters en masse, with as much servility as the closest and most dependent corporation in England, has conferred the franchise on a more independent, and, in spite of the II-Wants which still characterize their electioneering contests, a more intelligent class, who will not brook the dictation of superiors, with whom for the most part they are at issue on the Union Question. It is said that Mr. O'Connell, operating upon this feeling, could at this moment return nearly half of the members for Ireland ; and those who are acquainted with that country credit the assertion. The freeholders of most of the Irish Counties would have been more nume- rous at the last election, had not the habit of irregu- larity or want of attention to the registry of free- holders led in a neglect of the required forms withia the appointed time. A new election would discover a great accession to their numbers. The influences that have been will not pass away without a struggle, especially as the event of their defeat would probably lead to an irresistible accession of strength to the Anti-Union party.

In the county of ARMAGH, the predominant in- terest hils been divined between Lords Gosford, Darnley, and Charlemont. In ANTRIM, between the Marquis of Hertford, the Marquis of Donegal, anti Earl O'Neill.- In WATERFORD, between Mr. O'Connell and the Beresfords. The Beresfords have also influence In Kixo's COUNTY and Los:Doa- n ER ; but it is shared lathe former by Lord Rosse. Lord Mountnorris returns his son for Weiceman. Lord Blaney, the Marquis of Meath, the Earls of Besborough, Belmore, Clare, and Fingal, the Chief Baron of Ireland, and the Earl of Kingston, have their respective influences in MONAGHAN, Masts:, Kis!, KENNY, MEATH, LIMERICK, and CORK. In Cork, the Earl of Shannon is considered to have great influ- ence. Colonel Chichester, with the aid of the Mar- quis of Anglesea's interest, returns himself for WEX-• Form. The Marquis of Clanricarde has considerable influence in GALWAY; the Marquis of Londonderry and the Marquis of Downshire in DOWN; and the Marquis of Conyngham and the Marquis of Donegal in DONEGAL. Earls Wicklow and Fitzwilliam divide the influence of WI cxtow. In CARLOW, the Mar-

quis of Sligo and the Marquis of Ormond; in KERRY, the Knight of Kerry and Earl Kelmare ; in LONG..

FORD, the Earl of Granard ;• and ill LOUTH, Lords

Roden and Oriel, are the leading men. These are the predominant or large influences, under the old system ; and by habit, attachment to particular persons, and local property, it will be retained in some instances until the excitable temperament of the Irish is warmed by the agitation of nationalquestions. It will then be discovered that the influence of property, however large, will not supply the place of those hordes of voters who formerly figured in Irish elections. The Irish counties may perhaps be considered more open than the English, though the electors are not so nu- merous, because an active public spirit, for good or for evil, is more easily aroused within them. The few details that we subjoin are gleaned front our Irish letters.

CARLOW is the purchased property of the Earl of Charleville, who has not a mere freehold in the lands of the county or borough. Twelve of the patron's family, from all parts of the country, are the electors. The return of Lord Tullamore is petitioned against, on behalf of individuals who have claimed their free- dom. •

B ILDAILE COUNTY comprises nearly 212,000 acres of surface; one-third belongs to the Duke of Lein. ster. At the last election, 243 electors were regis- tered, besides 43 clergymen entitledto vote from their benefices in the Established Church. Lord W. Fitz- gerald, brother to the Duke of Leinster, is returned by his Grace's influence, assisted by split votes from the opposing candidate. As a Whig and an advocate for Reform, Lord W. Fitzgerald is said to be pretty secure in this county. Richard More O'Ferrall, the second member, a Itoman Catholic and Reformer, was selected by the popular feeling. He has but little interest from his family estate, which is old and respectable. He n as opposed at the late election by Sir. Roberts, who was supported by the Tories and Clergy, every one of whom voted for him. The registry under the bill was much neglected. The popular party are sure to return one member at least in this county, and, if strongly excited, can return both.

Krest's COUNTY comprises nearly 220,000 acres. About-600 .freeholders have been registered. Both members are said to owe their seats to forbearance and management ; and a strong popular excitement would turn out both, who are much weakened by the change of Ministry.

PORTABLINGTON is thesole property of the Earl of Portarlington, and very corrupt. It is regularly sold to the highest bidder, whether Tory, Whig, orRadical Reformer. The patron names a sovereign, and six or eight of his own creatures, as burgesses, who return any candidate recommended by- the Earl. Mr. RI. card° sat for this borough. He was succeeded by Mr. Farquhar, a Tory attorney, and unknown to the electors or Inhabitants;

Qum:Ws COUNTY.—Sir Henry Parnell, who is member for this county, is not personally liked, but his public industry and conduct are generally ap- proved of. Sir H. Coote has a large property, and with Government interest has kept his place. The registered electors are about 600. Mr. Cassidy was named as the popular candidate at the last election ; hut, on obtaining pledges from the present members 00 ellppOrt reform, he withdrew.