The Irish Uproar Is Not Abated. Lord Anglesey Is Proceeding,
as the journals say, vigorously; that is, he is proceeditra b in the same path as his predecessor did. On Monday last, it was in- tended that there should be a grand assemblage......
Tiie King Arai Nis Count.—from The Wish, It Is Said,
of the King to have the whole of his family about him on Christmas Day, the marriage of Miss Fitzclarence and Viscount Falkland did not take place until Monday. The celebration......
Special Commission — Berks. — This Commission Was Opened...
Park, Baron Rolland, and Sir John Pattesson. Mr. Justice Park delivered the opening address ; which will probably be printed, as Baron Vaughan's in Hampshiee has been—at least......
Tim Preston Enecrtosr.—the Scrutiny Has Been Abandoned....
made by Mr. Stanley's Committee on Thursday night, last week. Mr. Hunt was chaired on Monday. The validity of the return will now be left for a Committee cease House of Commons......
Effective Constaeulary.—a Notice Was Posted Up On...
Horse Guards, calling upon all pensioners of the Royal Artillery throughout the kingdom, to present themselves to the chief magistrates of their district, and be sworn in as......