TIIE KING Arai nis CounT.—From the wish, it is said,
of the King to have the whole of his family about him on Christmas Day, the marriage of Miss Fitzclarence and Viscount Falkland did not take place until Monday. The celebration was private—that is, as private as regal parties can well be. The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Chichester; the bride was given away by the King ; his Majesty, the Queen, the Duke of Sussex, Princess Augusta, the Princess Elizabeth, and Prince George of Cumberland, attested the certificate. Colonel Fitz. clarence acted as bridegroom's man, and Miss d'Este and Miss Boyle as bridesmaids. The noble pair left the Pavilion immediately after the ceremony.
A Privy Council was held at the Pavilion on the same day, at which Lord Holland, we are happy to notice, was present: that excellent nobleman has been so much indisposed, that we believe he has hardly been in his place in Parliament since he accepted office. The King and Queen continue to enjoy excellent health; of which both their 3iajesties make a moderate and rational use, relieving business with amusement, without pushing the one to fatigue or the other to satiety. They enter this day on a new year—we hope a happy one: the last was fertile in events of the highest importance the issues of which are yet hidden in darkness, and big with lessons of wisdom to King and to subjects. His Majesty's power was born amidst storms and nursed in the whirl- wind ; may its course be peaceful, and its results prosperous. He who sways a sceptre in the year 1831 must expect to find it no sinecure; but there is nothing that steadiness, prudence, mildness, and honesty may not hope to accomplish. All these William the Fourth possesses in a very high degree, and by their fair exercise he may build for him. self a fame purer and more lasting than all the warlike trophies which the conquerors of the last forty years have erected.