1 JULY 1837, Page 15

By the will of the late King, which we imitersrtnel

is of a recent date, a bequest is wade to eiteh of his sons and daughters of 2,000f. This sum will at first sight appear ineoutiderable. That it it not ut greater amount, will srarcely excite surprise, 'However, When it I. known that his Majesty has beell in the !taint of dividing-, from pair to year, his tie :mint of savings anunig his offspring. 'Itie late Ku lug has also, we midi rstatul, bequeathed the sum of 40,000/., which is to he re- ceived lit Vii tee of at policy of life.insteance, tar truttees, the interest to be paid annually in equal shares among his children. The trustees to !whom the duty of carrying the Royal testimonial into excretion is intrusted, are, we believe, Sir Herbert 'faylur; Sir Henry Wheatley and Colonel Wood.—Post. The accession of the Queen to the British Throne has rau-ed various.; alterations in law forms and proceedings, which at first caused some embarrassment. Instead of our " Sovereign Lord the King." it is now of course " our Sovereign Lady, &e."Ira one writ whielt came down to Exeter, a ludictoos mistake %V II !I made in the date, as fol. lows: " In the year of our Lady, 1837."— Western Luminary.