1 JULY 1837, page 8


• SATURDAY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer opened his Budget lust night: it was a rather melancholy affsir. At the best, there will be but a small surplus—perhaps name at......

The Duke Of Sussex, Though The Most Talented, Is The

only son of George the Third who, under the three successive reigns of his father and two brothers, has received bo appointment or emolument from the Crown beyond the Rangership......

Ill 'du Llancous.

The Earl of Durham arrived in town from St. Petersburg on Satur- day night. On Tuesday he unsolder] the Queen's Com t at Kensington, and received from her Majesty the insignia......

The Globe Has This Week Favoured Us With Two Articles,

specially to in- struct us on the subject of Church-rates. Before taking further trouble in this matter, we recommend the Globe to make itself acquainted with the terms of the......


Major George Browne has been appointed to thg,situation of Corn. missioner of the New Police, vacant by the death of Colonel Cutler. Major Browne is brother of the late Mrs.......

At The Aylesbury Sessions. On Tuesday, It Was Stated By

the counsel for Eton College, that the indictment against Mr. Jesse, for mutilating the statue of Henry the Sixth could nut be sustained ; and Mr. Jesse's reeognizances were......