Progress Of Publication. Progress Of Publication.
As if to make up for the dulness in all things else, the publishers are still going on with unabated activity, publishing travels over thoroughly trodden ground, novels that......
" Note Magis Nulli Domus Eat Sus, Quint Mihilucus
Martis, et Millis vieinurn ropihus antrum Martis, et Millis vieinurn ropihus antrum Vuleani. Quid agant venti, quas turqueat umbras /Hams," &c. And we may say the same of any......
The City Of The East.
THE present publication does not sustain the hopes which we formed of the author of India. Rigorously speaking, there is perhaps no falling off in poetical power, but there is......
New Editions.
An Exposure of the Unchristian and Unphilosophical Principles set forth in Mr. Coombe's " Cansiitution of Man ;" being an Antidote to the Poison of that Publication. By WiLsiam......
Paying From Travels, We Have Three Volumes On Our Table
which may be classt.d under the head of SCIENCE. Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. Br J. P. NICHOL, LL. D., F. H. S.E., Professor of Practical Astronomy in the......