Major George Browne has been appointed to thg,situation of Corn. missioner of the New Police, vacant by the death of Colonel Cutler. Major Browne is brother of the late Mrs. Hemans, and has for some time filled the office of Provincial Inspector of Police.—Dublin Freeman.
The salmon-fisheries in Waterford harbottr were destroyed last week by a mob, who came down the river in canoes, chilly from Ross and Kilkenny. On the Wexford side they met some opposition, the country-people having assailed them with stones. Encouraged by the retreat of those piratical visiters, a boat laden with large stones gave chase, and regularly engaged the Lilliputian fleet ; but the enemy boarded them, hatchet in hand, made them all jump overboard, and killed two men belonging to Ballyhack.
Lord and Lady Mulgrave left Dublin on Tuesday, for London. Lord Plunkett, Sir Edward Blekeney, and Chief Justice Bushe, were sworn in Lords Justices during the absence of the Lords Lieutenant.
In the Court of Queen's Bench, Dublin, the case of J. Gore Jones versus the Magistrates of Londonderry, terminated at a late hour on Monday evening, the Jury finding a verdict for the defendants, with torts. This verdict says in effect that Gore Jones slandered the 111m gistrates of Londonderry in his evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons.