1 JULY 1837, Page 15


THY° year. CCIAITHOT 111 at State or the Controversy between the Protestant and Roman Catholic es. By Hunter Gm-Sou, of Lincoln's Inn, Reg Whittaker and Co.

ity of the East, and Other Poems. By the Author of " India," a Voila.


MILITARY anemia:sm. Personal Memoirs and Correspondenee of Colonel Charles Shaw, K.C.T.S. &e. of the Port ogneso Sert ice. and late Ihigndier.t;tmeral mu the Walsh Auxiliary Le- gion of Spain; comprising a Narrai iae of the War for Constit ut. I Liberty in Bolingal nuil intik, from its commencemeut in 1831 to the ill-solution of the British Legion it; 1237. la 2 vols GAM.

11104R APHY.

Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Kart. Volume the Fourth.

Murray; Cadeli, Edinburgh.