• The Catalogue Raisonne (f the Works of the most
Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Pictures, commenced by Mr. Jonte SMITH the picture-dealer, is at length completed, by the publica- tion of the eighth volume, containing NICHOLAS POUSSIN, CLAUD& and GREUZE; though a supplemental volume is an- nounced, to supply the omissions that have been discovered during the progress of the wet k. Of the merits of this laborious under- taking we are not able to judge—those only who have devoted their Uses to picture resew ch are qualified to form an opinion of the completeness and accuracy of the catalogue: but its value and ussfulness to every class of picture-buyers is appreciable by all who are firmiliar ss Rh works of art.
In our rmtice of the eatlier volumes, we have doubtless described the plan of the wet k ; but as that must have been several jeers ago, we may as well repeat, that the productions of each muster are arranged in classes, every individual picture being distinctly described, its merits concisely indicated, its condition stated, its eegraser named, and its value, dimensions, and the names ef its possessors given ; a memoir and a general criticism of the painter's st3le being prefixed, and brief mention of his pupils or imitators made at the end. So far as our experience enables us to form a judgment of its execution, the work is all that can be required : but the best guarantee of its excellence is the high reputation of the author for his knowledge and discri- initiation of the productions of these schools especially.
A similar Catalogue of the Dalian and Spanish Painters is a desideratum : but who is there to undertake the Herculean task ? Mr. SMITH says, truly enough, that no sale of his book can com- pensate him for the labour he has bestowed in exploring this eorner of the world of art.