1 JULY 1837, Page 19


An Exposure of the Unchristian and Unphilosophical Principles set forth in Mr. Coombe's " Cansiitution of Man ;" being an Antidote to the Poison of that Publication. By WiLsiam GILLESPIE. Dr. Robinson's Magistrate's Pochet.Booli. Second edition, with considerable alterations and additions. By JOHN FREDERICK AttcliBoLD, Esq.

The Exposure, like all great works, seems to have grown up by degrees; appearing in successive parts, the praise of which has stimulated the author to proceed. Judging from the words "third edition," it must be bought; and various laudatory para- graphs, chiefly from religious periodicals, would show that it was worth reading : but to us it appears very discersive in matter, very small in mind.

Dr. ROBINSON was a Great Unpaid, who, for his own use, con- piled a book which in its form was a dictionary, and in its sub- stance a digest of the laws relating to those offences that Justices of the Peace were called upon to decide about. Persuaded by his friends, he published it; no doubt to the great advantage of stint es and parsons. Acting under a similar influence, Mr. ARCHBOLD consented to edite the work, which, from many things in it haviug become obsolete, might even lead a Justice astray ; and found the alterations in the laws had been so extensive, that his labour was rester than he bargained for, a considerable portion of the work yin to be struck out and a corresponding quantity to be put in. However, his toil has been for the ease I others; and ARCH- BOLD'S Robinson', Magistrate's Pocket-Book we should hold to be indispensable to the new-made Justice.