, Archdeacon Glover has, in a letter to the Patriot
on the subject of -the levy of Church-rates in Bungay, run foul of Mr. John Childs of
that town ; ant tile An hoe:molt did nut get clear is 1.11,4.
Being a Whig, the mouthpiece of Mr. Coke, and an opponent of Church-rates professedly, Archdeacon Glover is sorely put to for a reply to the charge that the Churehwardens of his parish of Panay are especially active in collecting the odious impost. Very Lib. ral is the Archdeacon in his talk. Says Mr. Childs, in a letter to Mrs, Glover-
" You profess to believe the collection of Church-rates an injustice towards Dissenters, and an undue privilege to Churchmen. You profess to desire an abolition of the law which allows it, and are aware the law dues not forbid
Churchmen to subscribe the expenses of their own worship. 1 beg to ask, whether you have ever carte,' on your flock, or directed your Churchwardens, to attempt such a subscription, or do th it vilunt oily which you wii-h the law to compel them to? whether, in fact, you have not marked your opinion of the Church rate question, hy nominating as your %Vanier), for four successive years, the Mr. Scott who in Iti3:33 &strained on Messrs. Morris and White—in 1834-5
sent me to prison—in 1836 direet..r1 legal proceeding* to be taken. which were prevented by the subscriptions of humbler Churchmen, whom neither he nor you countenanced nor assisted—and who is now in full career against a score of others? Between such faids and such pretensions the public will judge; and I beg to assure you, that the hos6e feeling to the Government and the Church,* which you say 'exists in Boom, Mies not extend to the late de.iimion of the Government in refusing to elevate the owner of such pretensions to a higher dignity in the Church than that of an Archdeacon."
The last hit has reference to a disappointment of the Archdeacon, who expected to have been the new Bishop of Norwich.
The polling for a Church rate at the parish of St. Sepulehre, in Northampton, terinineted out Saturday last, in the rejection ofis rate by a majority of 143 to 77.
A requisition to the High Sheriff of Somersetshire is in course of signature, to cull a county meeting, in order to condole with her :Majesty upon the dece ise of the bite King. and to congratulate her upon her accession to the throne. The leading Toties of the county
have refused to sign it !
Lord Muticaster having made the liberal offer of keeping a pack of foxliouw's in the neighl hood of Leamington, to bunt three times a week in North ‘Varwiekshire, if 800/, should be subscribed by the
gentlemen of the neighbourhood towards their maintenance. ta meeting was held at the Town-hall. at which the offer was gratefully received, and the required sum subseribed.—Leaminoton Chronicle.