Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned officers of the East India Company's forces to take rank by Brevet in her Majesty's army in the East In- dies as follows. The commissions to bear date the 20th of June 1854.
Lieutenant-Generals to be Generals in the Army. —H. S. Osborne, Bombay In- fantry, Sir J. L. Caldwell, G.C.B. Madras Engineers, G. Carpenter, Bengal Infantry, Sir D. Leighton, K.C.B. Bombay Infant, J. Welsh, Madras Infantry, Sir J. Rus- sell, K.C.B. Madras Light Cavalry, M. White, Bengal Infantry, R.. Podmore, Madras Infantry, Sir R. Houston, K.C.B. Bengal Light Cavalry, J. Greenstreet, Bengal In- fantry, G. B. Kemp, Bombay Infantry, J. Munro, Madras Infantry, J. A. P. Mac- gregor, Bengal Infantry, Sir J. Prendergast, Ant. Madras Infantry, Sir W. Richards, H.C.B. Bengal Infantry, A. Duncan, Bengal Infantry, B.. J. Latter, Bengal Infantry, J. F. Dyson, Bombay Infantry, Sir J. Doveton, Madras Light Cavalry, A. Fair, C.B. Madras Infantry, Sir J. L. Lushington, G.C.B. Madras Light Cavalry, W. C. Fraser, Madras Infantry. W. Gilbert, Bombay Infantry.
Colonels to be Major-Generals.--J. Henry, Madras Infantry, C. B.. Skardon, Bengal Infantry, S. Swinhoe, Bengal Infantry, J. Anderson, Bengal Infantry, F. Young, Bengal Infantry, T. M. Douglas, C.B. Bengal Infantry, W. R. C. Costley, Bengal Infantry, C. Herbert, C.B. Madras Infantry, G. P. Wymer, C.B. Bengal Infantry, A. Dick, Bengal Infantry, W. Pattle, C.B. Bengal Light Cavalry, 1'. Piddes, Bengal Infantry, J. Perry, Madras Infantry, H. Ross, Madras Infanta'', .1. Anderson, Ma- dras Infantry, J. Ketehen, Madras Artillery. A. Roberta, C.B. Bengal Infantry, J. M0,12:1. C.B. Madras Infantry, C. A. G. Wallington, Bengal Infantry, T. Oliver, R. Infantry, M. E. Bagndd, Bombay Infantry. D. G. Scott, Bengal Infantry, C.B. Bengal Infantry. J. G. Griffith, Bombay Artillery, S. Shaw, Bengal Artillery, F. L. Doveton, Madras Light Cavalry, C. B. James, Bombay Infantry, .1. H. Drmsterville, Bombay Infantry, M. C. Pant, Bengal Infantry, C. Payne, Bombay Isrfantry, J. P. James, Madras Infantry, Sir J. Cheape, Bengal Engineers, J. Law, C.B. Madras Infantry, J. Harris, Bengal Infantry, J. Tulloch, C.B. Bengal In- fantry, B.. Powney, Bengal Artillery, Sir H. M. Wheeler, K.C.B. Bengal Infantry, G. E. Gowan. C.B. Bengal Artillery, P. Montgomerie, C.B. Madras Artillery, J. Stuart, C.B. Bengal Infantry, C. Ovans, Bombay Infantry, W. H. Hewitt, Bengal Infantry, .I. Home, Bengal Infantry, G. W. A. Lloyd, C.B. Bengal Infantry, A. Tul- loch, (L./3. Madras Infantry, A. B. Dyce, Madras Infantry, .L W. Cleveland, Madras Infantry, R. Blaekall, Bengal Infantry, 1). Capon, C.B. Bombay Infantry, W. D. Robertson, Bombay Infantry, D. Sim, Madras Engineers. Lieutenant-Colonels to be Colonels.—R. Budd, Madras Infantry, G. Hicks, C.B- Bengal Infantry, H. F. Caley, Bengal Infantry, IL Dick, Bengal Infantry, W. Mac- tier, C.B. Bengal Light Cavalry, J. Nash, C.B. Bengal Infantry, J. Alexander, C.B. tngeArtillery, J. T. Lane, C.B. Bengal Artillery, G. Hutton, Madras Infantry, ns, Bengal Infantry, B.. Stewart, Bengal Infantry, E. Pettingal, Bengal In- fantry, H. Hancock, Bombay Infantry, H. J. Wood, C.B. Bengal Artillery, E. Huth- waite, C. B. Bengal Artillery, I. C. Collin, Madras Infantry. G. C. Whitlock, Madras Infantry, P.O. Lister, Bengal Infantry, D. Downing, Bengal Infantry, P. Thomson, Madras Infantry, T. M. Cameron, Madras Infantry, A. GOldie, Bengal Infantry, W. H. Wake, Bengal Infantry, T. M•Sherry, C.B. Bengal Infantry, W. N. T. Smee, Bombay Ihfantry, T. C. Parr, Bombay Infantry, F. H Sandys, Bengal Infantry, IE Sibbald, C.B. Bengal Infantry, H. Prime, Madras Infantry, N. Johnson, Madras Ina fantry, J. Moule, Bengal Infantry, L. S. Bird, Bengal Infantry, D. Birrell, Bengal Infantry. T. Polwhele, Bengal Infantry, I. H. Handscomb, Bengal Infantry; la, Brind, C.B. Bengal Artillery, R. J. H. Birch, C.B. Bengal Infantry, G. Campbell, Bengal Artillery, P. tunes, Bengal Infantry, J. T. Boileau, Bengal Engineers, A W. Lawrence, Madras Light Cavalry. W. J. Thompson, C.B. Bengal Infantry, in; H. U. Lawrence, K.C.B. Bengal Artillery, J. F. Bradford, C.B. Bengal Light Ca. valry, H. M. Graves, Bengal Infantry, C. Grant, C.B. Bengal Artillery, G. S. Law. meson, C.B. Bengal Artillery, A. Jack, C.B. Bengal Infantry, A. S. Logan, Madras Infantry, ../Eneas Shirreff, Madras Artillery, E. Messiter, Madras Infantry, W. Brem- ner, Madras Infantry, S. Corbett, C.B. Bengal Infantry, H. Macau, Bombay In- fantry.
Majors to be Lieutenasit-Colonels.—T. Seaton, C.B. 35th Bengal Light Infantry, H„, P. Burn, lit Ben„aal Native Infantry, E. It. Mainwaring, 16th Bengal Grenadiers A. G. F. J. Youtighusband, 35th Bengal Light Infantry, J. P. Ripley, 1st Bengal. European Fusiliers, J. H. Craigie, C.B. 20th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Riddell, 60th Bengal Native Infantry, 1'. T. Pears, C.B. Madras Engineers, R. C. Moore, C.B. Madras Artillery, D. F. Evans, 16th Bengal Grenadiers, W. T. Whittle, c.a. Bombay Artillery, A. Tucker, C.B. 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, G. Balfour, Madras Artillery, H. Clayton, 4th Bengal Light Cavalry, P. Harris, 70th Bengal Native In- fantry, F. R. Evans, 26th Bengal Light Infantry, G. Hutt, C.B. Bombay Artillery R. Henderson, C.B. Madras Engineers, J. Tait, C.B. 6th Bombay Native Infantry' W. Mayne, 37th Bengal Native infantry, G. H. Macgregor, Bengal Artillery, A; APCally, 44th Madras Native Infantry, J. Allardyee, 23d Madras Native Infantry. .1. L. Taylor, 26th Bengal Light Infantry, W. B. Thomson, 3d Beng,a1 European Regt., G. H. Swinley, Bengal Artillery, D. Pott, 47th Bengal Native Infantry, P. Hay, 54th Bengal Native Infantry, H. Palmer, 48th Bengal Native Infantry, P. Gor- don, 11th Bengal Native Infantry, J. R. Pond, 1st Bengal European Fusiliers, A. L. Campbell, 1st Bengal Light Caralry, W. S. Pillans, Bengal Artillery, F. B. Boileau, Bengal Artillery. H. E. Loftie, 30th Bengal Native Infantry, W. E. Baker, Bengal Engineers, C. O'Brien, Sd Bengal Native Infantry, T. L. Harington, 5th Bena,a1 Light Cavalry, B.. Waller, Bengal Artillery, D. Seaton, 1st Bengal European Fusi- liers, H. Forster, C.B. Shekawattee Battalion, G. C. Hughes, 13th Madras Native Infantry, T. B. Chalon, 33d Madras Native Infantry, J. V. Hughes, 29th Madras Native Infantry, W. F. Grant, 63d Bengal Native Infantry, T. P. Hay, 2d Madras European Regt., H. Templer, 7th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Rawlins, 9d Madras European Regt., R. R. Ricketts, 48th Madras Native Infantry, J. Liptrap, 42d Ben- gal Light Infantry, G. Wright, 10th Madras Native Infantry, J. Bye", 6th Madras Light Cavalry, W. P. Macdonald, 41st Madras Native Infantry, P. Swanson, 27th Bombay N. I., C. J. Green, Madras Engineers, A. N. Maclean, 28th Bombay N. I., G. J. Richardson, list Madras Native Infantry, J. Corlield, 1st Bengal Native In- fantry, A. Borradaile, 4th Madras Light Cavalry. J. R. Brown, 6th Madras Light Cavalry, 0. M. Arthur, 20th Madras Native Infantry, B.. Codrington, 46th Madras Native Infantry, G. B. Arbuthnot, 3d Madras Light Cavalry, W. Reece, 3d Madras European Regt., B. Crispin, 16th Bombay Native Infantry, D. Carstairs, 6th Bombay Native Infantry, A. C. Spottiswoode, 37th Bengal Native Infantry, J Graham, 5015 Bengal Native Infantry, A. C. Wight, 8th Madras Native Infantry, J. T. Brett, 4th Madras Light Cavalry, R. Campbell, 43d Bengal Light Infantry, G. Nott, 19th Ma- dras Native Infantry, C. S. Haling, 68th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Pooley, 98th Madras Native Infantry, R. Garrett, 69th Bengal Native Infantry, J. W. Bayley, 20th Madras Native Infantry, J. Watkins, 23d Bombay Native Infantry, C. J. Lewes, 8d Bengal European Regt., W. Beaumont, 23d Madras Native Infantry, J. Cooper, 7th Bombay Native Infantry, W. C. Ormsby, 3d Bengal European amt., A. C. Scott, 7015 Bengal Native Infantry, T. J. Nuthall, 4615 Bengal Native Infantry, J. T. Smith, Madras Engineers, J. H. B. Congdon, 2d Madras Native Infantry, S. F. Hannah, 40th Bengal Native Infantry, T. G. E. G. Kenny, 2d Madras European Kept., H. A. Hornsby, 2d Madras European Regt., B.. Hall, 49th Madras Native In- fantry, A. IvPLeod, 5th Madras Light Cavalry, R. Angelo, 34th Bengal Native In- fantry, J. Back, Madras Artillery, J. 8. Ramsay, 2d Bombay Light Infantry, E. H. Atkinson, 19th Madras Native Infantry, J. Benwell, 46th Madras Native Infantry,
C. Lucas, Bombay Artillery, H. NV. Trevelyan, Bombay Artillery, F. W. Birch, 41st Bengal Native Infantry, R. 5Palair, 73d Bengal Native Infantry, G. 13. Wilkinson, 39th Madras Native Infantry, H. Bower, 52d Madras Native Infantry, S. A. Grant, 16th Madras Native Infantry, D. Archer, 3d Madras European Regt, W. Halpin, 26th Madras Native Infantry, C. G. Ottley, 3d Madras European Regt., .7. Blaxiand, 47th Madras Native Infantry, J. Hill, 24th Madras Native Infantry, C. Woodfall, 47th Madras Native Infantry. F. Dudgeon, 44th Madras Native Infantry, G. C. Hoch- fort., 41st Madras Native Infantry, N. J. Gordon, 31st Madras Native Infantry, If. Marshall, 335 Madras Native Infantry, J. W. Hicks, 67th Bengal Native Infantry, H. L. Harris, 15th Madras Native Infantry, J. Liddell, 3d Bombay European Rev., C. H. Maeleane, 43d Madras Native Infantry, W. S. Adams, 3d Bombay European Regt., B.. N. Faunae, 2d Madras Native Infantry, H. Drummond, 3d Bengal Light Cavalry, S. .1. Grove, 68th Bengal Native Infantry. J. Grant, Bombay Artillery, E. A. Farquharson, Bombay Artillery, the Hon. H. B. Dalzell, Bengal Artillery, J. C. Plowden, 17th Bengal Native Infantry. F. L. Nicolay, 39th Madras Native Infantry,
A. R. Rose, 50th Madras Native Infantry, F.. Darvall, 57th Bengal Native Infantry, W. H. Atkinson, Madras Engineers,: W. B. Wemyse, 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, J. Pope, 17th Bombay Native Infantry, H. A. Boseawen, 54th Bengal Native Infantry, P. Abbott, 72d Bengal Native Infantry, II. Drought, 60th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Russell, 18th Madras Native Infantry, D. U. Scobie, 29th Bombay Native Infantry. Captains Cole Majors in the Army.—G. G. M.Donell, 27th Madras Native Infantry, W. R. Strange, 2d Madras Light Cavalry, H. W. Wood, 4th Madras Native Infantry, C. Mackenzie, 48th Madras Native Infantry, It. Taylor, 24 Madras Light Cavalry, J. Grimes, 8th Madras Native Infantry, F. B. Lys, 45th Madras Native Infantry, W. B. M•Cally, 41st Madras Native Infantry, C. T. 11111, 29th Madras Native infantry. G. R. Edwardes, 2d Madras Light Cavalry, H. A. Thompson, 50th Madras Native Infantry, J. Stewart, 7th Madras Native Infantry, H. Nott, 19th Madras Native In- fantry, W. H. Welch, 26th Madras Native Infantry, C. Gordon, 13th Madras Native Infantry, T. P. Walsh, 524 Madras Native Infantry, G. B. B. Groube, 5th Madras Light Cavalry, A. B. Kerr, 24th Madras Native Infantry, F. Knyvett, 3d Madras European Regiment, J. E. Hughes, 47th Madras Native Infantry, J. Macdougall, 17th Madras Native Infantry, J. W. G. Kenny, 13th Madras Native Infantry, J. Campbell, 38th Madras Native Infantry, T. L. Place, 44th Madras Native infantry, J. A. Church, 20th Madras Native Infantry, D. Hodgson, 8d Madras European Regt, G. Carr, 16th Madras Native Infantry, H. Y. Pope, 27th Madras Native In- fantry, G. W. Stokes, 59th Bengal Native Infantry. W. Lamb, 51st Bengal Minya Infantry, G. Cecil, 12th Bengal Native Infantry, E. F. Smith, 234 Bengal Native Infantry, .1. S. G. Ryley, 5th Bengal Light Cavalry, C. G. G. Munro, 16th Bombay N. I., W. B. Salmon, 19th Bombay Native Infantry, J. B. Ramsay, 3d Bomba European Regt., P. Shortreed, 17th Bengal Native Infantry, J. Butler. 55th Benjai Native Infantry, T. Eyre, ad Bombay Light Cavalry, H. Mackenzie, 2d Bengal au ropean Fusiliers, A. Balderston, 16th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Edwards, 18th Bengal Native Infantry, G. Gordon, 50th Bengal N. I., F. Raleigh, 1st Bengal al. I., C. Wollaston, 8th Bengal Light Cavalry, W. Lydiard, lltA Bengal Native In- fantry, G. B. Reddie, 29th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Lindsay, 10th Bengal Native Infantry, G. W. Williams, 29th Bengal Native Infantry, G. F. Whitelocke, 13th Bengal Native Infantry, A. Thomas, 8th Bombay Native Infantry, J. K. Spence, 90th Bengal Native Infantry, J. Gordon, 3d Bengal Light Cavalry, F. Westbrooke, 18th Bombay Native Infantry, W. F. Curtis, 1st Bombay Light Cavalry, G. M. Hall, 17th Bengal Native Infantry, G. Scott, 6th Bengal Light Cavalry, E. Brioe, Madras Artillery, J'. II. Bell, Madras Engineers, W. L Birdwood, Madras Engineers, Ca Rowlandson, Madras Artillery, J. Whitefoord, Bengal Artillery, J. H. Mayow, 24 Bengal European Fusiliers, J. C. Scott. 20th Bengal Native Infantry, T. F. B. Beata son, 10th Bengal Light Cavalry, W. H. Loaner, 21st Bengal Native Infantry, U.S. Grimes, 46th Bengal Native Infantry, C. H. Burt, 64th Bengal Native Infantry, J. C. Salkeld, 5th Bengal Native Infantry, J. Bontein, 37th Bengal Native Infantry, F. Maitland, 5th Bengal Native Infantry, J. L. Stephenson. 1st Madras European Fu- siliers, J. Barrett, 37th Bengal Native Infantry, R. J. Kempt, 43,1 Madras Native Infantry, J. Anderson, 17th Bombay Native Infantry, L. hi'Queen, 8d Madras L,ght Cavalry, It. S. Ewart, 30th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Hare, 25th Bengal Native fantry, G. E. Herbert, 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, T. Stock, 3d Bombay European Regt., W. A. Orr, Madras Artillery, J. E. Mawdsley, Madras Artillery, H. A. Lake, Madras Engineers, J. C. Bate, 11th Bombay Native Infantry, E. Andrew'', 7th Bom- bay Native infantry, J. &Leeman, 784 Bengal Native Infantry. H. Gordon, 5815 50 dens Native Infantry, A. Russell, 46th Madras Native Infantry, M. T. Blake, 54th Bengal Native Infantry, F. S. Paterson, 54th Bengal Native Infantry, W. M. Gan* thorpe, Otis Madras Native Infantry, G. T. Haly, 41st Madras Native Infantry. IL J. Nicholls, 25th Madras Native Infantry, A. Salmon, 47th Madras Native Infantrf, G. U. Siddons, let Bengal Light Cavalry, T. Riddell, 60th Bengal Native Infantry'. B. M Mackenzie, 8th Madras Native Infantry, S. C. Macpherson, titti Madras Native Infantry, E. P. Lynch, K.L.S. 29th Bombay Native infantry, J. W. atnIV. 191h Bombay Native Infantry, C. R. Hogg, 1st Bombay European Fusiliers, S. W. Holz nah, 4th Madras Light Cavalry, F. G. J. Lascelles, 4th Madratlii8f1t "via*. Raines, 18th Madras Native Infantry, P. R. L. Riekards, 49th Madras Native In- fantry, F. H. Sansom, 3d Madras European Regt., R. Morrieson, 521 Bengal Native infantry, .1. Smith, 13th Madras Native Infantry, T. R. Stewart, 8th Bombay Native weary, A. M. Haselwood, 3d Bombay Native Infantry, E. Baynes, 20th Bombay Native , C. J. Cooke Madras Artillery, H. Lindesay, 3d Bengal Light Ca- „dry, W. H. Godfrey, 17th Bombay Native Infantry, G. O'B. Ottley, 6th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Y. Beret, 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, W. E. Warden, 234 Ben- gal Native Infantry, H. T. Hillyard, 14th Madras Native Infantry, J. A. S. Coxwell, 49th Madras Infantry, G. Ranken, 69th Bengal Native Infantry, D.:Gaussen, 424 Bengal Light Infantry, T. Brodie, 5th Bengal Native Infantry, J. J. F. Cruickshank, Bombay Engineers, P. B. Young, 19th Madras Native Infantry, C. R. Browne, 60th Bengal Native Infantry, J. R. Oldfield, Bengal Engineers, J. Anderson, Bengal En- gineers, H. Forster, Bombay Artillery, J. M. Glasse, Bombay Artillery, G. S. Cot- ter, Madras Artillery, R. C. Wormald, Bombay Artillery, W. Baker, 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, R. S. Dobbs, 9th Madras Native Infantry, H. C. Rawlinson, C.B. K.L.S. lot Bombay Grenadiers, W. Brown, 12th Bombay Native Infantry, J. Brind, Bengal Artillery, G. E. Hollings, 38th Bengal Light Infantry, J. Campbell, 50th Ma- dras Native Infantry, T. R. Morse, 1st Bombay European Fusiliere, 7. M. Matlock, Bengal Artillery, T. H. Sissmore, Bengal Artillery, W. Borthwick, 9th Madras Na- tive Infantry, J. Estridge, Bombay Engineers, R. Troup, 63d Bengal Native Infantry, T. James, 21st Bengal Native Infantry, F. C. Barnett, Bengal Artillery, A. Strange, 7th Madras Light Cavalry, F. C. Hawkins, 10th Madras Native Infantry, J. Coke, 10th Bengal Native Infantry, H. Boye, 224 Bombay Native Infantry, A. S. Waugh, Bement Engineers, G. M. Gum, Madras Artillery, B. W. Black, Madras Artillery, W. K. Worster, Madras Artillery, W. H. Bell, Madras Artillery, E. L. Ommanney, Bengal Engineers, H. Congreve, Madras Artillery, G. G. Charmer, Bengal Artillery, J. H. Campbell, Bengal Artillery, A. Broome, Bengal Artillery, T. Smythe, Madras Engineers, W. J. Church, 17th Madras Native Infantry. C. G. Walsh, 14th Bengal Native Infantry, R. Wallace, 18th Bombay Native Infantry, /J. C. Jones, 24 Euro- pean Light Infantry. R. Hamilton, tat Madras Native Infantry, R. J. Shaw, 1st Bombay European Fusiliers, IL Rolland, 27th Bombay Native Infantry, W. G. P. Jenkins, 10th Madras Native Infantry, T. Simpson, 57th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Burton, 424 Madras Native Infantry, It. Mathison, 3i1 Bengal European Regt., W. Richardson, 734 Bengal Native Infantry, H. M. Nation, 3d Beogal European Ent., C. J. Elphinston, 12th Madras Native Infantry, G. A. H. Falconer, 46th Ma- dras Native Infantry, H. J. Brockman, 20th Madras Native Infantry, C. IL Hobart, 16th Madras Native Infantry, G. L. Cooper, Bengal Artillery, J. R. Abbott, 12th Bengal Native Infantry, J. Hennessey, 70th Bengal Native Infantry, C. G. Fagan, 8th Bengal Light Cavalry, H. W. Precdy, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, K. Jopp, 16th Bombay Native Infantry, H. E. D. Jones, 28th Bombay Native Infantry, F. C. Wells, 15th Bombay Native Infantry, H. W. Evans, 9th Bombay Native Infantry, J. Jackson, 14th Madras Native Infantry, F. J. Marriott, 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, W. V. Mitford, 9th Bengal Light Cavalry, J. Hunter, 53d Bengal Native Infantry, J. S. Knox, 424 Bengal Light Infantry, W. P. Hampton, 31st Bengal Native In- fantry, W. G. Woods, 6th Madras Light Cavalry, J. W. Ferran, 25th Madras Native Infantry, R. Gordon, 32d Madras Native Infantry, I. Ferrier, 48th Madras Native Infantry, B.. Travers, 23d Bombay Lt. Infantry, W. W. Davidson, 18th Bengal Native Infantry, R. Munro, 10th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Hagart, 52d Bengal Native In- sentry, J. H. Tapp, 234 fdadras Native Infantry, .1. D. Leckie, 224 BonibayNative In- fantry, W. Bissett,15th Madras Native Infantry, J. T. Bush, 24th Bengal Native In- fantry, J. Grant, 224 Bengal Native Infantry, W. C. Erskine, 734 Bengal Native In- fantry, J. S. Fresbfield, lot Madras Lt. C., C. R. Whitelock, lug Bombay N.I., R. S. Simpson, 27th Bengal Native Infantry, W. G. Hebbert, Bombay Engineers, J. Mac- donald, 66th Bengal Native Infantry, J. Phillott, 10th Bengal Native Infantry, R. Spencer, 26th Bengal Light Infantry ; G. Pott, 3d Bengal Native Infantry, J. Tow- good, 35th Bengrd Light Infantry, J. Patrickson, Madras Artillery, R. Steward, 16th Bengal Grenadiers, A. C. Pears, Madras Artillery, It. E. linatchbull, Bengal Artil- lery, R. H. Baldwin, Bengal Artillery, J. Laughton, Bengal Engineers, J. C. Innes, 61st Bengal Native Infantry, E. S. Capel, 53d Bengal Native Infantry, W. B. Legard, 31st Bengal Native Infantry, F. A. Close, 65th Bengal Native Infantry, H. B. C. King, 6th Madras Cavalry, S. Gompertz, 6th Madras Native Infantry, W. W. David- son, 324 Bengal Native infantry, G. Jackson, 4th Bengal Light Cavalry, W. F. Cur- math, 15th Bombay N. I., A. P. Phayre, 7th Bengal N. I., G. W. G. Bristow, 71st Bengal N. I., C. E. Burton, 40th Bengal N. I., J. H. G. Crawford, Bombay Engs., W. J. Wilson, 434 Madras Native Infantry, J. E. Verner, 60th Bengal Native In- fantry, R. J. Rawthorne, 7th Bengal Light Cavalry, R. W. Elton, 59th Bengal Na- tive Infantry, R. Hunter, 7th Madras Light Cavalry, B. Cary, 6th Bengal Native In- fantry, It. W. O'Grady, 34th Madras Native Infantry, H. Lawford, Madras Artillery, T. E. Colebrooke, 13th Bengal Native Infantry, E. W. S. Scott, Bengal Artillery, R. Smyth, Bengal Artillery, V. Eyre, Bengal Artillery, J. B. Woosman, Bombay Artil- lery, J. A. Weller, Bengal Engineers, J. N. Sharp, Bengal Engineers, It. Crew, 45th Madras Native Infantry, J. W. Bennett, lot Bengal European Fusiliers.
WAR-OFFICE, June 27.-1st Regt. of Life Guards-Major and Lieut.-Col. and Bre- vet Col. R. Parker to be Lieut.-Col. and Col. without purchase, vice Hall, promoted to be Major-Gen.•, Brevet Major Lord Francis Arthur Gordon to be Major and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Parker; Lieut. G. Andrews to be Capt. without purchase, vice Lord Francis A. Gordon ; Cornet and Sub.-Lieut. W. Hessey to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Andrews; A. E. H. Grey, Viscount Grey de Wilton, tel be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. without purchase, vice Hessey. 3d Light Dragoons- Major W. Lined to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice White, promoted to be Major-Gen. ; Capt. G. Forbes to be Major, without purchase, vice Unett ; LieuL J. B. Hawkes to be CapL without purchase, vice Forbes ; Cornet J. N. Preston to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Hawkes. 9th Light Drags.-Major A. Little to be Lieut.-Col. without pm. vice Scott, prom. to be Major-Gen.; Brevet Major J. R. H. Hose to be Major, without purchase, vice Little ; Lieut. F. C. Trower to be CapL without purchase vice Rose; Cornet R. Mills to be Lieut, without purchase, sice Trower. 11th Light Drags.-Major J. Douglas to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice the Earl of Cardigan, promoted to be Major-Gen.; Capt. E. Peel to be Major, without purchase, vice Douglas ; Lieut. W. Ennis to be Capt. without purchase, vice Peel; Cornet R. R. H. Dungate to be LieuL without purchase, vice Eons. tat or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards- Major and Brevet Col. T. Wood to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Stanhope, promoted to be Major-General ; Capt. and Lieut.- CoL and Brevet Col. .5. R.. Craufurd to be Major, without purchase, vice An„.erstein, promoted to be Major-Gen.; Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. W. Thornton to be Major, without purchase, vice Fludyer, promoted tube Major-Gen.; Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. the Hon. I rancis G. Hood to be Major, without pur- chase, vice Wood ; Brevet Major E. G. Wynyard to be Capt. and LieuL-Col. with- out purchase, vice Craufurd; Brevet Major the Hon. R. W. P. Curzon to be Capt. and Lieut.-CoL without purchase, vice Thornton ; Lieut. and Capt. John Reeve to he Capt. and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Hood. To be Lieuts. and Capts. without purchase-Ensign and Lieut. W. T. F. Wallace, vice Wynyard; Ensign and lieut. F. C. Heppel, Adjt. (rank); Ensign and Lieut. W. J. Christie, vice Curzon. Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards-Major and Brevet Col. the Hon. A. Upton lobe Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Bentinck, promoted to be Major-Gen. To be Majors without purchase-Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. the Hon. G. F. Upton vice Hay, promoted to be Major-Gen. ; Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. G. Drummond, vice Hon. A. Upton. To be Copts. and Lieut.-Cols. without purchase-Lieut. and Capt. C. L. Cocks, rice Codrington, promoted to be Major- ; Lieut. and Capt. J. C. M. Cowell, rice the Hon. G. F. Upton ; Lieut. and Capt. J. Halkett, vice Drummond; Ensign and Lieut. A. G. B. Thellusson, to be Limit. and CapL without purchase, vice Cocks. Scots Fusilier Guarda-To be Majors without purchase-Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. G. Moncrieffe, vice Dixon, promoted to be Major-Gen.; Capt. and Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. E. W. F. Walker, vice Eden, promoted to be Major-Gen. To be Capt. and Lieut.-Cols. with- out purchase-Brevet Major R. Moorsom, vice Moncrieffe; Brevet Major F. C. A. Stephenson, vice Walker. To be Lieuts. and Capts. without purchase.- Ensign and Lieut. B.. Gipps, vice Moorsom. 29th Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. M. Smith to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice the Hon. T. Ashburnham, C.B. promoted to be Major-Gen.; Brevet Major J. Power to be Major, without purchase, vice Smith; Lieut, V. Tonnochy to be Capt. without purchase, vice Power ; Ensign H. W. S. Carew lobe Lieut. without purchase, vice Tonnochy. 53d Foot-Brevet Col. H. Havelock, C.B. to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Breton, promoted to be Major-Gen. • Brevet Major W. H. H. F. Clarke to be Major, without purchase, vice Havelock ; LieuL A. J. Sutherland to be Capt. without purchase, vice Clarke; Ensign C. F. H. Lloyd to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Sutherland. 60th Foot - Major .1. Jones to be Lieut.-Col. withoutpurchase, vice Viscount Melville, K.C.B. Promoted to be Major-Gen.; Brevet Major F. R. Palmer to be Major, without pur- chme, viceJones; Limit. C. A. B. Gordon to be Capt. without purchase, vice Pal- mer; Second Lieut. W. W. Fox to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Gordon. 99th Foot-Brevet Col. J. N. Jackson to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Deepard, promoted to be Major-Can.; Brevet Lieut-Col. G. M. Reeves to be Major, without purchase, vice Jack.son ; LieuL G. J. De W. De Winton to be Capt. without pur- chase, vies Reeves; Ensign J. D. Molson to be LieuL without purchase, vice De /Vinton; M. Be Rona, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Molson.
Brevet Lieut.-Col. E. Wilmot, UnatL to be Col. in the Army. Capt. the Hon. J. P. Maxwell, 50th Foot, to be Major in the Army. Lieut. and Capt. P. L. C. Paget, Scots Fusilier Guards, to be Major in the Army. 3d Regt. of Drag. Guards-Capt. T. T. S. Carlyon to be Major, by purchase, vice Dyson, who retires; Lieut. W. Knatchbull to be Capt. by purchase, vice Carboni; Cornet C. B. Mulville to be Lieut. by purchase, vice KnatchbulL 1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards-E. L. Wynne, Gent. to be Ensign alai Lieut. by purchase, vice Pottinger, who retires.
241 Foot-Capt. E. J. I. Fleming, from the 634 Foot, to be Capt. vice Bamford, who exchanges. 8th ?trot-Lieut. P. Antrobus, from Paymaster 2d Drags. to be Lieut. vice Han- nam, appointed Paymaster 60th Foot; Ensign G. E. Huddleeton, to be LieuL by purchase, vice Antrobus, who retires; Ensign F. B. M'Crea, from the 14th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Iluddleston.
12th Foot-Lieut. H. Robson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major B. W. Gillman, whs retires ; Ensign W. H. Paul to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Robson; H. Waring. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice PauL 14th Foot-W. Dods, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice 11`Crea, appointed to the 8th Foot.
46th Foot-Limit. C. S. APAlester, to be Adjt. vice Sandwith, promoted. 48th Foot-Ensign D. J. Connor, from the 81st Foot, to be Ensign, vice Speedy, who exchanges. 634 Foot-Capt. R. C. Bandord, from the 2d Foot, to be Capt. vice Fleming, whe exchanges.
79th Foot-Ensign D. 31•Donald, from the 49th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Turner.. promoted. 81st Foot-Ensign T. C. S. Speedy, from the 48th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Connor, Who exchanges.
934 Foot-Lieut. E. S. F. G. Dawson to be Adjt. vice Macdonald, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 9911, Foot-C. Burton, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Saunders, whole seam pointment has been cancelled. 1st West India Regt.-Ensign J. Steel to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Stewart, who retires; C. H. Proby, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Steel.
Errata in the Supplement to the Gazette of the 20th June 1854, Brevet.-For Major A. W. Reed, of the 9th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. read Major A. W. Reed, of the 99th Foot, to be Lieut.-CoL OFFICE or ORDNANCE. June 26.-Royal Regt. of Artillery, Lieut.-Cols, to be Cols.-Brevet Col. R. B. Rawnsley, vice Hutchesson, removed as a Gen. Officer; Brevet Col. It. Hardinge, vice Whinyates, removed as a Gen. Officer; Brevet Col. R. Andrews, vice Michell, removed as a Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. B. Willis, vice Cobbe, removed as a Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. T. G. Higgins, vice Mercer, removed as a Gen. Officer; Brevet Col. T. F. Strangways, vice Bastard, removed as a Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. J. Eyre, vice Grantemoved as a Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. C.
Otway, vice Scott, removed as a Gen. officer; Brevet Col. W. C. Anderson, vice Dyneley, removed as a Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. R. S. Armstrong, vice Russel, moved as a Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. R. Clarke, rice Cator, removed as a Gen. O. cer ; W. Furneaux, vice Wylde, removed as a Gen. Officer.
Copts. to be Lieut.-Cols.-Brevet Lieut.-Col. W. IL Askwith, vice Bawnaley, promoted ; Brevet Major F. Dunlop, vice Hardinge, promoted; Brevet Major F. Dick, vice Andrews, promoted. Brevet Major A. Tylee, vice Wills, promoted ; Brevet Major C. J. Dalton, vice Higgins, promoted; Brevet Major D. E. Wood, vice Strangways, promoted ; Brevet Major II. M. Tuite, vice Eyre, promoted; Brevet Major F. M. E. Wilmot, vice Otway, promoted ; Brevet Major .1. W. Fite.. mayer, vice Anderson, promoted ; Brevet Major G. R. H. Kennedy, vice Armstrong, promoted; Brevet Major G. Sandham, vice Clarke, promoted; Brevet Major C. V. Cockburn, vice Furneaux, promoted. Second Capts. to be Capts.-J. S. Willett, vice Askwith, promoted ; J. C. W. For- tescue, vice Dunlop, promoted; W. 11. Cox, rice Dick, promoted; It. O'Connell; vice Telee, promoted ; M. Clifford, vice Dalton, promoted ;It. W. Brettingham, vice Wood, promoted ; C. T. Du Plat, vice Tulle, promoted; H. Adye, vice E. Wilmot; promoted; C. T. Franklin, rice Fitzmayer, promoted ; A. C. Hawkins, vice Ken- nedy, promoted; B. Lawson, vice Sandham, promoted ; A. P. S. Green, vice Cock- burn, promoted.
First Lieuts. to be Second Capts.-H. T. Boultbee, vice Willett, promoted ; J. E. Michell, vice Fortescue, promoted; G. C. Henry. vice Cox, promoted; T. F. War- low, vice O'Connell, promoted ; P. Bedingfeld, vice Clifford, promoted ; S. P. J. Childers, vice Brettingham, promoted; W.11. Mytton, vice Du Plat, promoted.; B. P. C. Jones, vice Adye, promoted; H. J. H. Campbell, vice Francklin, promoted; R. 0. Farmer, vice Hawkins, promoted; C. M. Govan, vice Lawson, promoted; C. H. Ingilby, vice Green, promoted. Second Lieuta to be First Lieuts.-A. Waltham, vice Boulthee, promoted ; S. J. H. Maxwell, vice Michell, promoted; C. L'Estrauge, vice Henry, promoted ; A. IL Rideout, vice Warlow, promoted; W. H. Watson, vice Bedingfeld, promoted; K. P. Tillard, vice Childers, promoted ; E. C. Bolton, vice Mytton, promoted; 0. H. A. Nicol's, vice Jones, promoted ; D. G. C. Maclachlan, vice Campbell, promoted; .1. Barton, vice Fanner, promoted; C. J. H. Johnstone, vice Govan, promoted; Cockerell, vice Ingilby, promoted.
Corps of Royal Engincers.-Lieut.-Cols. to be Cols.-Brevet Col. M. A. Waters, vice Sir Frederick Smith, removed as a Gen. Officer; Brevet CoL P. Cole, vice Old- field, removed as a Gen. Officer; Brevet CoL E. Matson, vice Dixon, removed we Gen. Officer ; Brevet Col. J. C. Victor, vice Calder, removed as a Gen. Officer.
Capts. to be Lieut.-Cols.-Brevet Major W. E. D. Brouobton, vice Waters, pro- moted; Brevet Major R. J. Nelson, vice Cole, promoted ; Brevet Major G. Burg,. mann, vice Matson, promoted ; Lieut.-Col. E. Aldrich, vice Victor, promoted. Second Capts. to be Capts.-T. B. Collinson, vice Broughton, promoted ; G. Bent, vice Nelson, promoted ; E. Y. W. Henderson, vice Burgmann, promoted; J. Bayley, vice Aldrich, promoted. First Lieuts. to be Second Capts.-J. C. B. De Butts, vice Collineon, promoted; W. S. Since, vice Bent, promoted ; G. S. Tilly, vice Henderson, promoted ; E. Stew” ton, vice Bayley, promoted. Second Lieuts. to be First Lieuts.-A. R. Lempriere, vice De Butts, promoted; G. Longley, vice Stace, promoted; P. H. Scratchley, vice Tilley, promoted; G. N. Kelsall, vice Staunton, promoted.
Wan-omcz, June 30.-12th Regt. of Light Drags.-Assist-Surg. G. A. Turnbull; from the 98th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Flood, deceased. Soon, Fusilier Guards- Major and Brevet Col. G. Moncrieffe to be Lieut.-CoL without purchase, vice Lard Rokeby, promoted to be Major-Gen.; Capt. and Lieut -Col. and Brevet Col. air Cl J. J. Hamilton, Bart. to be Major, without purchase, vice Moncrieffe; Lieut. and Capt. H. P. Hepburn to be Capt. and LieuL-Col. without purchase, vice Sir Co .1..1. Hamilton. 3d B.egt. of Foot--T. Teevan, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Clay- ton. removed from the service. Met Foot-Capt. .1. C. Minnitt, from the 95th Foot. to be Captain, vice the Honourable E. C. H. Massey, who exchanges. 434 Foot- Lieutenant Richard Grace, from the 88th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Lord E. H., B. G. Cecil, who exchanges. 49th Foot-Quartermaster-Sergeant John Henry Art- deraon to be Quartermaster, vice Fraser, who retires upon half-pay. 66th F001". Assistant-Surgeon W. S. Murray, M.B. from the Staff, to be Assistant-Surpon, vice Simpson, promoted in the 17th Foot. 734 Foot-Capt. L. Cassidy, from half. pay Unatt, tube Paymaster, vice Cochrane, appointed Lieut. in the Rifts Brigade. 76th Foot-Assist.-Surg. D. A. C. Fraser, M.D. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg, vice Gordon, appointed to the Staff. 88th Foot-Lient. Lord Eustace H. B. els Cecil, from the 434 Foot, to be Lieut. vice Grass, who exchanges. 95th Foot- Capt. the Hon. E. C. H. Massey, from the 31st Foot, to be Capt. vice Minnitti, who exchanges ; Capt. E. R. Wethered, from the4lat Foot, to be Paymaster, vine Feneran,appointed Paymaster of a Depot Battalion. 911th Foot-J, Sparrow, Gent. to beAssist.-Surg. vice Turnbull, appointed to the 12th Light Drags.
• Brevet.-To be Colonel in the Army.-Lieut.-Col. R. French, Unatt.
To be Majors in the Army. -Capt. G. Maunsell, let West India Regt.; Capt..D. G. A. Darroch, 51st Foot ; Capt. H. A. Strachan, 39th Foot ; Capt. G. Mein, halfe pay 21st Drags. (Brigade-Major at York.); Capt. G. E. Hillier, half-pay 80th Foot, Deputy-Assist.-Adjt. -Gen . Dublin. To be General in the Army in the East Indies.-Lieut,-Gen. Sir H. S. Scott, K . C. B. To be Major in the Army in the East Indies.-Capt. H. B. Lumsdea, 59th Bee" gal Native Infantry. Memoranda.-The name of Capt. W. IL Be Anderson, 51st Foot, was erroneously included in the list of officers promoted to be Majors in the Army on June 20. The appointment of H. D. Scoones, Gent, to an Ensigncy, by purchase, in the 970. Foot, as stated in the Gazette of the 16th June, has been cancelled..