1 JULY 1854, page 13

Last Night, The House Of Commons Was Chiefly Engaged In

voting the Educational Estimates in Committee of Supply. Lord JOHN Russxm, moved that a sum of 263,000/. be voted for educational purposes in Eng- land. There is a balance from......

The Convocation Of The Prelates And Clergy Of The Province

of Can- terbury was yesterday prorogued by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the 20th July. The intention of Prince Albert to attend the meeting of the Cambridge Arcbteological......

4ratrro Nub Vuoir.

Having devoted himself to the drama of the Boulevard du Temple,- in spite of the continued assaults of legitimists, original talentites, An- glicans, and that noble army of......

Parliamentary Business For Next Week.

THE COMMONS. MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATES-Resumed; Monday, July 3. YOUTHFUL OFFENDF.RS BILL-Committee; Monday, July 3. (Lord PALsizusrow.) REGISTRATION or , Brains, &c.......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRSDAY AFTERNOON. The extent of the late rise in Government Securities offering a tempting Opportunity to realize, several parcels of Stock have changed hands......