1 JULY 1854, page 14

The Musical Union And The Quartet Association Have Had...

this week. In regard to the first, it is worthy of note that Mr. Ella has brought Vieuxtemps to England for the express and sole purpose of per- forming at this concert and the......

The English Glee And Madrigal Union Continues To Rise In

favour and success. The concert of Monday last was attended by an audience lite- rally overflowing, for many people found it barely possible to get within the doors. The music,......

Topics Of The Day.

THE PREMIER'S EXPLANATION. The impulse which urged Lord Aberdeen to neutralize the warmth and boldness of Lord Lyndhurst's admirable speech last week with an unseasonable......

Don Pasquale Was Performed On Thursday For The First Time

at the Royal Italian Opera; and the reunion of Lablache, Grisi, and Mario, must have reminded many people present of the great enjoyment and hearty laughs this opera used to......

Pahislln Theatricals.

The Irishman's definition of a posthumous work, as a work which a man writes after he is dead, turns out to be less absurd than appears at first sight. A piece by the late M.......

4ratrro Nub Vuoir.

Having devoted himself to the drama of the Boulevard du Temple,- in spite of the continued assaults of legitimists, original talentites, An- glicans, and that noble army of......

Mon Etoile, The Penultimate Production Of M. Scribe, Has...

turned into a very neat English piece by Mr. Palgrave Simpson, and produced at the Olympic, with the appropriate title Heads and Tails. The chief character is that of a......

Our Criticism Of The Last Adelphi Farce Will Be Shorter

than the title. The title is Waiting for an Omnibus, in the Lowther Arcade, on a Baimy our criticism is that the piece is trash.......