BRITISH FUND $ per Cent Consols S. (Closing
Saluted. Manday.,Turaday.,Trednrs.
Thum Friday.
shut — — — --
Ditto for Account 94 exd 949 94 94 931 931 3 per Cents Reduced 91/ 94 939 94 94
31 per Cents 941 94 901 949 941
Long Annuities 44 II — — — 911 Bank Stock, spec Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent
shut — 205 226 -- 205 Exchequer Bills, 21d. per diem India Bonds 4 per Cent
Spun. 2
I pm. 1 1 -- 2 2 par 2 2pm.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.;
Austrian 6 9. cc.
Belgian 41 — Ditto 21 — Brazilian 5 — Buenos Ayres 8 — Chilian 6— Danish 6 — Ditto 3 — Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) —21 — Ditto 4 — French 3 — Ditto 41 — Massachusetts (Sterling) 6 — — 911 — 100 — -- — — 619 901 — — 1021 Mexican 3 p. Ot Mississippi 8 New York 5 — Peruvian 4i Portuguese 5 — Ditto. I — Russian 5 Ditto 41
Sardinian a
Spanish 3
Ditto New Deferred s
Ditto (Passive) Venezuela 31 241 90i sad.
991 86 831 41 20i 4g 24 SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter
Australasian 811 Caledonian 611 British North American 65 Edinburgh and Glasgow 621 Colonial 18 Eastern Counties 139 Commercial of London 33 Great Northern 919 London and 'Westminster 40 Great South. and West. Ireland.. 981 London Chand. Bnk. of Australia III lied.
Great Western 799 London Joint Stock Zr Hull and Selby lee} National of Ireland
Lancashire and Yorkshire 671 National Provincial 539 Lancaster and Carlisle 90 Provincial of Ireland
London, Brighton, it South Coast. 107 Union of Australia 74 London and Blackwell 81 Union of London
London and North-western ,Midland 107 671
nraxilianImperial 4 Midland Great Western (Ireland)
Ditto (St. John del Rey) ..... 30 North British Oxford, Woe, and Wolverhampton 351 331 Ochre Copper Colonial Gold 421 Scottish Central
Nouveau Monde
South-eastern and Dover ......
London and South-western '50 844
AUstralian Agricultural 461 York, Newcastle, anti Berwick... 75 Canada 83 York and North Midland
56 Crystal Palace General Steam 51 27 East and West India
Peel River Land and Mineral .. 49 London St. Katherine 104 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam
South Australian 3,9 BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....£3 17 9 Copper,British Cakes.C126 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 5 3 Lead, British Pig 23 10 0 .. 24 0 0 Silverin Bare,Standard 0 5 11 Steel, Swedish Keg... 20 0 0 .. 21 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, June 30,
Wheat,R.New G8 to 74 Rye 41 to 48 Maple 44 to 48 Oats, Feed 2910 31 Fine 76 —8 i Barley 33 — 35 White .... 50—al Fine 31-32 Old 0— 0 Malting .. 37-39 Boilers ... 54-10 Poland ... 30—It White 0— 0 Malt, Ord ... , 70-74 Beans, Ticks. 44-48 Fine 31-34 Fine 0— 0 1 Fine 76-77 Old 45-53 Potato sa Super. New. 0— 0 I Peas, Hog., 40-46 Indian Corn. 4.2-48 Fine 35.-36 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat.... 78s. 5,4. Rye 53s. 34.
Barley.... 37 1 Beans 49 G Oats 29 11 Peas 46 11 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending June 24.
Wheat 77+,114. I Rye SIt. 21. Barley 37 1 Beans ...... 50 3
Oats 30 6 Peas 48 10 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 65s. to 73s.
Seconds 62 66 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 67 — 61
Norfolk and Stockton 55 — 57 American ........per barrel 37 — 41 Canadian 37 — 44 Bread, 9,4. to 101d. the 41b. loaf.
Butter—Best Fresh, 124. Od. per dos. Carlow, 4/. leo. to V. 12s. per ewt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 70s. to 70. Cheese, Cheshire 56 — 70 Derby Plain 60 — 86 Hams, York 74 — 84 Eggs, French, per 120,0i. Od. to Os. ed.
a al. r. d. a. d.
Beef .. 3 4 to 4 2 to 4 8 ....
Mutton, 3 8 — 4 2 — 4 8 ....
Veal .. 3 0 — 4 0 —4 6 ..., Pork,, 3 8 — 4 4 — 4 8 ....
Lamb .. 4 8 — 6 0 — 5 4 ....
SMITIIFIELD.• Main or Cams AY s. d. a. d. s. d. fixerarmun.
3 2 to 4 8 to 5 2 1 Friday. Monday. 3 10 — 4 8 — 5 0 1 Beasts, 951 3.431 3 8 —4 6 — 4 10 I Sheep .13,620 30,100 4 0 — 4 6 — 4 8 Calves. 680 007 4 8 — 5 2 — 5 8 1 Pigs ... 365 ale • To sink the offal, per b lb.
Kent Pockets 140s. to 190s. IDown and balfthred Hogs per lb. 104 43 01. Choice ditto o 1Wether and Ewe 10 — 111
Sussex ditto 130 — 180 Leicester Hogget and Wether.... 111 — 0 Farnham ditto 0 — 0 Skin Combing 10 — 0 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 38 Tresses.)
COWSZALAND. Siernerests. Wererzenern. 1051. to 115e. 98s. to 100r ga,, to 905. 45 — 90 75 —55 0 - 0
60 —76 0 — 0 40 — 86 120 —128 112 —115 lop —110
42 —48 30 —45 33 — 66
Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw 1 16 '6 per 1000 14 0 0 Candles, per dozen 08.0d. to Os. Od. Moulds, per doeen —Oa. Od. toe.. Or.
Coals, Herron Os. 01.
Tees Or. tid. GROCERIES.
fea, Souchong, tine, per lb.. le. 201. to 21. Congou, fine 1 0 — 1 10 Pekoe, flowery 1 4 - 3 • In Bond—Duty Is. 61. per lb. Coffee, fine (fie bond) cwt. 62s. 64. to 05e. Si.
Good Ordinary 455.64. — 484. 61. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt... 21r. 824
West India Molasses 16u GIL tu 18e. Od. OILS. COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cwt. £2 3 6 Relined Linseed Oil Linseed Oil-Cake