SIR,--In crossword No. 1094 I spent at least half an hour looking in the Poems. and Songs of Robert Burns for the word 'louse' (as seen in a young lady's bonnet at church). I should never.describe the perusal of his vigorous verse as a mental anaesthetic, nor in- deed the state of mind engendered by many hours of reading and re-reading my poetic library. I- was pleased to find also in that poem the well-known lines
0 wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers sca us.
There are lots of better crosswords but none quite the same. I should like to thank Mrs. Carton for the immense pleasure she has given to me. In a long spell in hospital her 'anaesthetic of the mind' was a pleasant alternative to the other kind.---Yours faith- fully.
D. W. R011:1:AU Stoke Abbott, near Beaminster, Dorset