Consuming Interest
Family Holidays By LESLIE ADRIAN A LONDON American who has been here long enough to know what he's talking about said to me the other day that the British seem to think that......
Solution Of Crossword 1094 Across.-1 Suspect. 5 Matlord....
10 Confusion II Enrage. 13 Momentum. 14 Assam. 15 Epithesis. 18 Lorgnette. 20 Rathe, 22 Long Toms, 24 Billed, 26 Groundscl. 27 Alone. 28 Pyrrhic. 29 Grendel. DOWN.-1 Stonewall.......
Postscript . .
LAST week in the. House of Lords, Lord Arran 'called at- tention to the ■newspapers,' thus initiating the Lords de- bate on the press. Before deploring intrusion, the ex-......
An article in the Spectator of May 27 sug- gested that `Cynan,' the Reverend A. E. Jones, might not be known to most of his countrymen but for his connection with the......