1 JULY 1960, page 48
Dame Myra
The Bitches' Brew. By Myra Buttle. (Watts, 12s. 6d.) IT is no secret that the author of the Myra Buttle satires, of which . this is the third, is no lady but a Cambridge don who......
Gnostic Dean
Oa! Dean Inge. By Adam Fox. (John Murray, 28s.) 'INGE expresses himself as a gnostic, rather than a Christian,' wrote Bishop Hensley Henson to a correspondent in 1943. 'His use......
Rebellious Prophet. By Donald Lowrie. (Gol- lancz, 25s.) THE usual photograph of Berdyaev makes it hard to take him very seriously. He is shown in a large and shapeless black......